Page 3 of My Chance

“He also mentioned that you possess a keen eye for white-collar activities…” I feel the world spin on its axis and I shake my head in confusion. “And we want your skill, Miss Cole, in solving a riddle...” he adds, his voice trailing off. As it does, I don’t miss his eyes as they flick down to my mouth, and my tongue skims over my bottom lip involuntarily. I watch his pupils dilate, and my chest works overtime to get oxygen into my lungs. He is standing too close to me, probably seeing my nerves written all over my face, where I didn’t want them to be, yet I can’t move back.

He’s a Black Widow, and I am caught in his web, hypnotized by his mere proximity.

“A riddle?” I ask him, my voice coming out clear and steady as I regain my composure. Raising my eyebrow, I’m now even more intrigued as his words sink in. I do love a challenge. My natural fascination with riddles is something that started as a kid. The need to figure things out was my main driving force in becoming a lawyer. But I am not yet sure if this man is playing games with me, looking for representation, or just here to ruin my day.

“I have no intention of working for any of my father’s friends or being involved in any of my father’s activities, so I think it is time you leave my office and find another solution to your problem. If you ever feel the need to sneak into my office in the early hours of the morning again, at least bring a coffee with cream, because it is way too early for this bullshit.” I sigh out a breath, as if completely uninterested, swallowing down any lingering nerves, and move to my office door, holding it open for him to leave.

“I know your client list is getting smaller by the day...” he says to me, his voice thickening with his accent, watching me intently as I lean against the door. His mouth turns up again into a sly smirk, one I really want to slap off his arrogant face.

“I will give you a week. Think about it. I can promise you will be well paid and will have interesting work to keep you busy.” His eyes glisten with amusement. He is enjoying this standoff.

“My answer will be the same next week as it is today.” My hands find my hips again, ready to knee this asshole in the balls.

“We will see. A lot can happen in seven days,” he says simply, and the air leaves my body as a cold chill encases my spine.

My heart pounds as I try to reconcile what he just said. I hate my father, and if I ever see him again, I will absolutely kill him for putting me in this position. I remain silent as I clench my jaw, and my intruder smiles like a Cheshire Cat, seemingly pleased that he succeeded in whatever he came here to do.

“I will be in touch, Miss Cole.” I nod to him as I fold my arms across my chest, now wanting to shield myself. My early morning visitor turns on his heel and leaves, closing my office door behind him. The click of the door sends shock waves through my tense body as I slump into my armchair, exhaling like I’ve been holding my breath this whole time.

What the hell is going on?



The need to get away from her before I suffocate in her scent is the only thing making me put one foot in front of the other. Rose aroma travels up my nostrils and plants firmly into my chest, reminding me of my upbringing in Lake Como in the springtime. I take one last look at her, glad I shocked the sass right out of her, and walk out of her small city office before another word can be spoken. Stalking away from it like it is on fire.

I don’t like to intimidate women, but I sure do want to spank her ass. She is feisty, and already proving to be too stubborn for her own good.

After some investigation on her over the past few days, I soon realized that having her on our team would be an extremely successful move on our behalf. She is an excellent lawyer, top grades in college, and no doubt wants to save the world if her pro bono work is any indication. Now after meeting her, I can see why. She has no fear and says what’s on her mind. I wonder how long it will take for her to acclimatize to working for the other side of the law.

I take a deep breath in, clearing my mind and my senses of the woman who also happens to be a complete bombshell. Her blonde tresses would look perfect splayed out across my bed, and I imagine how her incredible, voluptuous figure would feel underneath me as I trace her curves with my tongue and make her mine over and over again. Only, she’d have to leave that attitude behind. Her mouth is already proving to rile me up, and the most frustrating part of that is my body didn’t hate it as much as my mind did. I shake my head, trying to pull myself together. It’s clear she is going to be a handful, yet another thing I need to manage.

Sebastian has given me the role of business manager of our family, helping to arrange the finances and business deals to get things done. That is why I am now the babysitter of Miss Cole, and it is now my job to ensure she becomes part of our team. That she can work on our things quickly, quietly, and discreetly. I still use my fists and weapons, but Dante and Carter are better at that. It is their forte. Me, I proved myself in Sicily with Sebastian by killing Enzo years ago and have been his constant shadow ever since.

Whatever he needs, whatever he asks, I do it, no question. It is what I have trained for most of my adult life. It is the reason I, an unknown young man from a small town in Italy, was able to support my family back home, by becoming a brother inthehead crime family of New York.

The elevator opens, and before I can step in, a woman steps out. Short and stout, with blue eyeshadow and deep red lipstick, her hair perfectly quaffed. I guess her to be in her fifties, the eighties the key decade for her if her style is anything to go by. She looks me up and down, intrigue in her eyes, but I simply smile and nod as I move around her into the lift. I watch her as she heads to the reception desk and dumps her handbag and coat on the chair as the elevator door closes.

Making my way to ground level, I rub my eyes. I need another coffee. It was an early morning for me, but I wanted to catch her by surprise. In fact, I have a few more surprises for Miss Cole. Within the week, I know she will be putty in my hands.

Stepping out into the foyer, I weave through the city workers, making my way over to Antonio.

“Is everything all right, Nico?” he asks me as I approach, worry etched in his features.

“Fine, Antonio,” I say, slipping him another $100 discreetly.

“Miss Emilia is a nice girl. She is always kind and respectful. I’m sure whatever trouble she is in—” he starts, but I cut him off.

“She is not in any trouble. How is your lovely wife?” I ask, steering the conversation to safer territory. Antonio and his wife, Pia, have been known to me since I first moved to New York. The fact that he is the doorman at this building was pure coincidence. I couldn’t have planned it better because Antonio owes me a few favors. We helped him and his wife on many occasions with rough thugs in their neighborhood, so he was more than willing to let me up to her floor without question this morning.

“Pia is well. Thank you for helping us with the recent burglaries. I appreciate everything you and Sebastian do for us,” he says with a nod.

“Anytime, Antonio, you know that. I need to go. Ciao.” I shake his hand and strut out of the foyer and into the street. Stepping out in the cool morning air, I get into my car and nod to Tony, my driver, just as my cell phone rings.

“How did it go?” Sebastian questions before I have even had a chance to greet him formally.

“Fine. She won't be an issue. I give her a week before she is onboard and will do anything we need her to.” I am greeted with a sigh. He is stressed and, no doubt, relieved I have this handled. We really needed to get someone like her on our team to sort through her father’s paperwork, because although we have no proof, we know there is something we are missing. My gut tells me that she will find it, because I have a feeling she is like a dog with a bone and won’t give up until she uncovers what we need her to.