Page 29 of My Chance

“You know,” I say as I shuffle out of the car, gripping his hand, feeling his warmth. “Come to think of it, maybe I will die from starvation. It is entirely possible that due to you turning up to the restaurant, not allowing me to eat, my stomach could start eating me from the inside out.” I huff as I stand next to him on the sidewalk. “From the INSIDE, Nico.” His face is set, jaw tight. "I could die never having seen the Eiffel Tower, never having swam with dolphins... never having had a man give me an orgasm…” I lift a brow at him in challenge, ready to finish my list.

But before I know what is happening, Nico growls, grabbing my neck. He smashes his lips onto mine, completely muting any thoughts flying through my mind. I am stunned for a moment, before I realize what is happening, and start kissing him back. He groans against my lips, his other hand coming up the inside of my coat and gripping around my waist. Maneuvering his body, so it is flush with mine, his leg pushes against my center, pinning my back to the car and pulling a moan from my chest.

I am throbbing with desire, and I whimper at his manhandling of me. “Nico...” I breathe out his name against his lips, and he takes advantage, sweeping his tongue across my bottom lip before delving it into my mouth. Between his soft yet powerful lips and talented tongue, I think I will melt on the spot. My hands grip onto his lapels of his jacket as my legs wrap onto his. The kiss gets hungrier by the second, both of us fighting for dominance, right here outside on the sidewalk.

Slowly, he pulls away just an inch, and I am panting, shocked into silence.

“Good, that should keep you quiet for at least a few minutes. Let’s go,” he says, stepping back, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him. I shake my head, processing if that actually just happened, a small smile gracing my lips for the first time tonight.

“Where are we?” I ask as I try to center myself and take a quick look around, my small steps fast behind him. He slows as we approach a restaurant.

“Piccolo, in Little Italy. They make the most authentic Italian spaghetti in the city.” When he opens the doors to a quaint little Italian restaurant, my heart skips a beat.

I look around the small place as an older man comes and greets Nico in a warm embrace, the two of them back slapping and speaking fluent Italian to each other.

“Ahhh, who is this, Nico?” the man asks, looking at me. He has a full head of hair, although it is gray near his ears. He almost looks grandfatherly, and his smile is warm.

“This is Emilia. Emilia, this is Guillermo,” Nico introduces me, and I smile and put out my hand to shake, but he shakes his head and grabs me by the upper arms, pulling me in close and kissing me on both cheeks.

“Bella, Emilia. Bella!” I flush a little, not used to the contact.

“Your usual table is ready,” he says to Nico, and we both follow him down the back of the restaurant to a secluded table.

It is quiet and intimate, with the cute little red-and-white checkered tablecloth, and I stand looking at it for a moment.

“Bambolina,” Nico says, and I look at him, seeing him waiting to take my jacket. Smirking, he looks extremely happy with himself right now. I shrug it off, still not entirely sure what is going on.Is Nico taking me on a date? Was he serious?

“Why are you looking so smug?” I narrow my eyes, watching him pass my coat to the older man before he pulls out my chair for me. I nearly hyperventilate.

"Not smug, just happy,” he replies honestly.What is going on?My heart stops, and my body stills as I try to take everything in, my lips still throbbing from our kiss. I don’t think I have ever been kissed so thoroughly as Nico just kissed me outside.

“Come on, Emilia, we don’t have all night.” As I sit, I finally take a breath. This is nice. A man taking charge, a man who knows exactly what he wants. Looking at him as he then sits opposite me, I realize that what he wants is me. For the first time ever, somebody wants me. And I want him too.

Then it dawns on me. He is a gentleman. Nico Molenti is a gentleman.



She is infuriating. Stunningly beautiful, smart, genuine, and funny. I have never met a woman so successful and so sexy and so damn aggravating.

She calmed down the minute my lips touched hers. The kiss was fucking electric, unlike any I’ve experienced. I needed to pull away from her quickly, otherwise I would have fucked her in the car, or against it. My need to have her thrums strong through my veins. Seeing her with that all-American guy back at Mario’s restaurant nearly ended in a 911 call, because I was going to kill him. Or her. I was too angry to know which one. I nearly lost my shit. Which is dangerous for a man like me.

I shouldn’t touch her. If the boys knew, then my work ethic would be questioned, but if anyone would understand, I think Sebastian would. So I am not hiding it anymore. I want her. That’s that. I want her in my arms, in my bed, underneath me, screaming my fucking name so loud everyone knows she is mine.

Guillermo brings out a carafe of red wine and some bread fresh from the oven, and I see her eyes zone in on it so I pick up the basket and offer her a piece.

“Here. I wouldn’t want you to die from starvation from the inside,” I say to her mockingly, loving the way she huffs out at me like a sulky teenager, when she is anything but. No, she isallwoman.

“Oh my God,” she groans as she takes a bite of the bread. Her eyes are closed, and it is like the most magnificent thing she has ever eaten. I look around the restaurant to ensure no one else is watching her as intently as I am, because her moans shoot me directly in the balls.

“This is amazing,” she says, as she chews the bread, and I swirl my wine, needing something to get my mind back into working order.

“Your usual, Nico?” Guillermo asks as he comes to the table to check on us.

“Due, per favore,” I say to him, holding up two fingers, and he nods and walks away.

“What did you order?” Emilia asks me, as she takes a sip of her wine.