Page 26 of My Chance

It is Wednesday afternoon. I sit at my desk, shuffling paperwork, and my eye catches on the now empty morning cup of coffee. It was waiting for me when I arrived, and was delicious.

So far this week, I have come to work and found a steamy hot coffee on my desk every day, next to a new box of my father’s paperwork. I know this is all Nico. One box a day is slow going, and with the amount of boxes to go, it will take weeks, but I am grateful I can work from the office and still try to drum up other business while here.

I haven’t spoken to Nico since he dropped me home on Sunday night, which although odd at the time, was also strangely comforting. Even though I have been busy trying to keep my one client on board, my mind has been wandering to him constantly. Thinking about what he is doing, where he is, and when I will see him again.

Unfortunately, my daydreaming has been more successful than my business skills because I lost my last client. Which is probably a good thing, all things considered. It is becoming harder for me to focus on anything other than my father’s current predicament, and Nico’s deep chocolate eyes and the smirk that lives permanently on his face.

“Emi, an Adam Shaw is on line two,” Cindy’s voice bellows into my office, startling me from my thoughts.

Adam Shaw?I think to myself before realizing who it is.

“Thanks, Cindy!” I say to her and take a calming breath before I pick up the call.

“Adam? Hi!” I say, sounding surprised because I am. It has been six weeks since I met Adam, and I really didn’t think he’d call with so much time having passed.

“Hi, Emilia, great to speak to you,” he says, sounding equally upbeat. “Listen, I know we haven’t spoken for a while, but I am free tonight and, well, I thought if you were free, it may be nice if we could meet for dinner?” I suck in a breath.

Adam is exactly the kind of man I like. Only, my eyes flick to the coffee cup on my desk, and my mind briefly considers Nico before I mentally scold myself. He is in the mob. My boss for the time being. It’s ridiculous to even think he could be a possibility.

“Emilia?” Adam says again before I realize I haven’t answered him.

“Sorry, yes, I’m free. I would love that!” It might actually be nice to go out for a change.

“Great, I have a late meeting, so can we meet at Mario’s at 7?” he asks, and I grit my teeth. I’m old school. I like to be picked up for dates, perhaps given flowers. I like a man who can wine and dine me. However, I am also single, and haven’t been on a date in months, so I ignore the doubt creeping into my mind.

“Sure. Great. I will meet you there,” I say, plastering a smile on my face.

“I look forward to it.” Then I hear the click of the phone, not even saying goodbye before he ends the call.

Does the kind of man I want even exist anymore? The kind that takes your hand when you walk, opens doors, picks you up for a date, and pulls out the chair for you when you sit.

The kind that takes your coat and makes you coffee just how you like it.

My body jolts, and I sit up, not sure where that last thought came from, but I shake my head and push the coffee cup off my desk, replacing it with some paperwork. Might as well start getting to work on finalizing my former client’s file before I leave for the day.

Less than six hours later, I step out of the taxi in front of Mario’s. It is an amazing Italian place I have only been to once before, but it is popular. I pull my coat around my frame, the little black dress I settled on doing nothing to keep me warm, but it’s extremely complimentary to both my chest and my ass. I may be out of practice in the dating game, but even I know a girl has to highlight her assets.

Not sure where this night will take me, I put on a beautiful black lace underwear set to match, something that makes me feel sexy and confident. Although it wasn’t Adam’s eyes I was dreaming of when I put it on, but the deep brown ones that keep appearing in my dreams.

With my hair shiny and falling down my back, and my makeup perfectly done, I look surprisingly put together for a woman who has lost her family, is on the track to losing her career, and who also happens to currently be in cahoots with the mob.

Stepping inside the restaurant, mouthwatering aromas of fine Italian cooking immediately hit my nose, along with the quiet chatter of the patrons inside.

The maître d sweeps up to me, and after giving him Adam’s name, he takes my coat. All without complaint and with a bright smile and a welcoming tone. I sigh a little, feeling the stresses of my life melt away slightly, committed to enjoying myself tonight since it is the first time I have been out in months. My phone buzzes in my purse, and I pull it out quickly. I see it is Nico, and ignore the call, not needing to think about him or work tonight. Looking around the restaurant, I see Adam already here. Spotting me, he stands as the waiter takes me to the table to join him.

He is just as good looking as I remember. Tall, blonde, fit, his smile so white it is blinding. I smile, because I am glad to see him, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t wish he had dark hair and a smirk instead.

“Emilia, you look beautiful!” he says, taking my hand and kissing it in greeting before sitting straight back down, not pulling out my chair or waiting for me to sit. I long for old school chivalry.

“You look great too, Adam.” I take a seat and meet the eyes of the waiter, who seems to know exactly what I am thinking, and nods like he is agreeing with me.

I feel my purse vibrate again, but I keep it closed. I don’t want to be rude.

“Wine, madame?” the waiter says to me, holding out a bottle of a nice Italian red.

“Sure, thank you,” I say with a smile, which he returns.

“So, how have you been? Has work been busy for you?” Adam asks, launching straight into work talk, something I would like to forget.