Page 10 of My Chance

“Yes. It’s possible. I’m not going to lie, we have a lot of enemies.” I offer her nothing but the truth. She needs to understand what she is getting herself into.

She is silent for a moment, and I wait for her, giving her time to process.

“What is the project?” she asks. “I would like to know about the project before I agree to anything.”

I nod my head in approval, because she is exactly what I need. She is thorough, thinks everything through, and will ensure everytis crossed and everyiis dotted.

“Your father,” I say, then watch her and wait. It doesn’t take long.

“No,” She barks, her arms waving a big X in front of her.

“I need you to look over his entire business portfolio,” I continue, though now, she’s about to freak out. That much is obvious.

“No. Absolutely not,” she says, jumping up from her chair, and beginning to pace the length of her office.

“He is hiding something, and I want to know what it is.” I slowly stand, her nervous energy near palpable as I move closer.

“I don’t know him. I don’t know anything about him. I can’t even believe that we share blood. My blood is tainted because of him. I am too scared to even donate blood to the blood bank because of how tainted it is; I don’t want to infect anyone else. Could you imagine if there were more people like my father out in the world? It would turn into the white-collar crime version of the zombie apocalypse. I can’t be responsible for that. I can’t do it, Nico. I don’t want to. I just… I can’t.”

I don’t even think she took a breath. Her father has done some damage, and she’s victim number one.

Walking up to her, I stand in front of her, cutting off her walking path and causing her to stop pacing. As she looks up at me, I watch her swallow, her throat the prettiest damn throat I have ever seen draped in a fine gold chain that highlights her bone structure. So fucking feminine and dainty, I want to run my tongue along it. Her hair is flowing down her back, and I clench my fists by my side so I don’t fulfill my newest fantasy and wrap it around my wrist to keep her eyes on mine.

“You are the best fucking lawyer in the city. You have more insight into your father than any of us. You are fucking perfect for this, and youwilldo this for me,” I say to her, my tone is demanding, but I want to shock her from her fluster. She remains quiet, her breathing still rapid, so I continue.

“You have so many issues with who he is, what he’s done, this is your chance to take him down. While what you uncover will never have him land in a court of law, it will provide consequences to his actions. And make no mistake, my bambolina,” I say as my hand unconsciously comes up and pushes her hair back from her face. “I will make him pay. For everything.” I feel her soft locks in between my fingers as I grit out my declaration. Her lips part just a little, and if I wasn’t so focused on doing my job, I would probably fuck her against her desk right now.

She is looking at me, wide-eyed, the various blue hues sparkling in her office lights, but her breathing slowly calms. I can see the wheels in her head turning as she thinks about all I have told her.

She clears her throat, and I let her hair fall from my fingers as she straightens her spine, her breasts pushing out toward me. If only she could read my mind.

“What are you looking for in the boxes?” she asks me, her hands now on her hips. Her defiance fucking turns me on. I want to devour her whole.

“I’m not sure.”

“You’re not sure? So how do I know what to look for?” she presses, her eyebrow raising in a challenge.

“Believe me, you will know when you see it.”

Her eyes flick to the table, and she glances at the box before looking back at me.

“Fine. You have a deal. But I need more coffee,” she huffs, waving her hand in the air as she steps around me and strides into her small bathroom. I smile.

I knew she would come around.



Ilook at myself in the mirror of my office bathroom, wondering what the hell I just agreed to. As I repeat the conversation over and over in my mind, I know it doesn’t really matter because I can’t go back on it now. I just made a deal with the devil, and there is no way out.

I turn on the taps and run cold water onto the inside of my wrists, trying to cool down. The tension between Nico and I was all-encompassing, and I walked straight to the bathroom to collect myself while he got to work on fresh coffees. But even I know there is not enough caffeine in this world to get me through what I know will be one of the toughest cases of my entire life. One that will never end up in a court of law.

I take a deep breath and straighten my spine, meeting my eyes in my reflection.

“C’mon, Emi. Put on your big girl panties and show these men what you can do,” I say to myself by way of a pep talk, because I know now I need to bring my A-game. The mob are paying me to find information and they will expect results. This will be unlike any other project I have worked on before. I don’t want to know what would happen if I don’t deliver.

Sucking in one last deep breath, I throw open the door and stalk back to my office.