“Maybe. But I guess we’ll find out.”
When I reach the top of the levee, he finally stands and turns to me. “Cut the shit, Morgan. It’s pitch-black over there.”
“I thought I was the one who was scared of the dark?” I glance over to the river. Only parts of it are visible, but most is shrouded in darkness. “Too bad I don’t remember our light signal. You know, just in case something else is lurking in the dark.”
“Figures. One of your puppets is over there waiting to jump me or fuck you, I’m guessing.”
“Nope. Just me.” I turn my back to him and walk down the embankment, my eyes take a few seconds to adjust as I get near the rocks, but I’m still far enough from the water that I should be good even if I fall on my ass by mistake. These sandals probably weren’t the best choice of footwear, but I had no idea I’d be climbing around the banks of the Mississippi tonight.
Guess I’ll need to add this to the list of things that don’t make sense. There still is a part of me that fears what I can’t see around me, but there’s a stronger part that welcomes whatever the fuck wants to come at me.
“Morgan, get your ass back up here. I’m not coming down there, and I’m sure as fuck not jumping in the river after you.”
“Ah, that would solve some of your problems if I fell in though.” I can barely make out his face, but I can tell he’s morphing from being pissed to paranoid.
I take a few steps on the rocks and get closer to the water.
“I said come back over here before you get your stupid ass hurt.”
“But I thought you didn’t care, Cade,” I singsong. Balancing on the rocks, I quickly sit and intentionally toss the bottle, smiling as it shatters against the stone nearby.
I hear Cade curse, then in a flash, he’s standing over me. All I do is watch him and smile as his fingers dig into my arms, encouraging me to stand, but I remain on the ground. “I told your stupid ass not to come down here.”
Easily, I pull my arm from his grip then sit up. “You also said you wouldn’t follow me. Yet, here you are.”
And that’s when he realizes there was no need to come help me, that I’d proved my point. Clearly furious, he spits, “I really hope a water moccasin bites you on the ass.”
“Eh. I’ll be fine. They’re more scared of us than we are of them, right?” That’s the bullshit Cade and Ryder used to feed me at camp when we’d go exploring at night. I hadn’t wanted to go with them, but I sure as shit wasn’t going to be left behind either.
“Right. They’d probably die from biting your poisonous ass anyways.” He remains hovering over me for a few seconds before he huffs then turns to walk away.
And that’s when I do it. That’s when I ask the question I swore to myself would never leave my lips. “You were there. Weren’t you? At the camp.”
He stops, his back to me before he slowly rotates. “Yeah. It was the first place I thought of when I found out my mom was gone and not coming back. It was our safe place. So, tell me the truth—why didn’t you show up? Why didn’t you know where I was back then?”
I slowly stand and navigate the rocks until I’m in front of him. There’re so many things I’d like to say, and none of them are nice, but not a damn thing will change. “Like I said, I couldn’t get my head that far up my ass.”
My shoulder hits his as I shove past him and attempt to walk back up the levee. But before I get to the top, his fingers grasp my forearm, and he pulls me to him. My palms slam into his chest, the momentum brings his face to mine. “Bullshit. You’re running. Again. It still bothers you. That stone heart has a crack in the surface after all. Youactuallycare about me.”
Motherfucker.Nowhe wants to have this conversation? Too fucking late. “I don’t give a fuck about you. Not now, not then. That’s what made it so easy to forget about you. Just like your own mommy did.”
His grip tightens on my arm, and he pulls me harder against him. “Then why are you here, Morgan? Why the fuck do you keep coming back?”
I try to steady myself before I say, “Because I’m fucking bored. Making you suffer a little longer while I can gives me something to do.”
Instead of getting angry like I expect, his lips curve into a grin. Is he drunk? Hadn’t considered that until now. Until his mouth slams against mine and his hands grip my hair as he holds me to him. His tongue devours me like I’m the only thing he wants to taste. I know the feeling. But right now, there’re too many raw feelings overpowering my need to get off.
I attempt to push him away, but he loops an arm against my lower back and keeps me against him. Balling up my fist, I lean back enough to create some space to pound against his chest. The anger I felt years ago spills out more than my frustration in this moment. “Get your fucking hands off of me. Now.”
He doesn’t right away, but eventually, he releases me and takes a step back. That’s when I can finally take a much-needed deep breath. Not to calm my anger. But because I feel it—tears are threatening to start flowing.Fuck. That.He’s not worth crying over. None of this is.
But he’s not done taking his turn making me feel like shit. “What’s the problem? Any other time, you’d be begging me to fuck you.”
“Times change.” I steady myself before I add, “And we both know there’s no going back.” I stomp past him and question why the hell I’ve let it get to this point. What the fuck was I thinking? I knew not to ask that stupid fucking question. But that’s what he does. Makes me act like a fucking weak-ass bitch.