Against my will, my mind went to him, and my hand instantly tightened around my cock. I moaned as I stroked my length, picturing Giancarlo doing it instead. He’d tease me about it, and he’d say something obscene about my cock being too freaking big.
My back arched as I chased my hand, but it wasn’t enough. It felt good, but I was suspended in pleasure instead of the mind-numbing ecstasy I’d felt at Giancarlo’s hands.
I shook my head. No, I needed to think of something else. I released my cock and slid off the bed. The tv remote called to me, and I flipped through the channels. Giancarlo had a few porn channels. At first, I’d been too nervous to explore them, but with him being gone for so long, I needed to do something.
Two men appeared on the screen. The smaller of the two was on his knees, sucking the other guy’s cock. The moans that left him were muffled, but the other guy seemed to love it. He rocked forward and placed his hand on the back of the twink’s head.
I watched them intently and wrapped my hand around my length as I fell back into bed, following the twink on the screen. His cock was smaller than mine, but it had to be the same, right?
He rubbed his palm over the head of his cock, and I did the same. My toes curled. I moaned as I did it again.
I played with myself very much like the guy on the screen, except when he bent over and his partner played with his hole. I stopped moving. My breath hitched at the way his face morphed into one of pure pleasure.
His moans echoed around the room. I switched from watching the one who looked most like me to the bigger guy behind him. His fingers worked in and out of the twink with such confidence.
I glanced at my fingers, staring at them before I gazed at the tv. Giancarlo felt so tight around my fingers, sucking me in deeper. My fingers tingled from the memory, and I groaned as need rocked through me. I’d been nothing more than a clumsy mess when I’d been between Giancarlo’s legs, but I wanted to do it again.
My cock ached as I wrapped my hand around my length once more. I rolled around and stroked my cock. The sounds of the tv bled away as my memory took over. Giancarlo under me, the warmth of his flesh, the way he squeezed around my cock.
A cry broke free as my hips jutted forward. My hand failed compared to Giancarlo’s hole, but the fires of desire continued to lap up my spine.
“Please,” I moaned. I wanted Giancarlo there. He'd be able to get rid of this ache inside of me.
My head hit the bed as my arm caved under my weight. My breathing was erratic, not enough air getting to my lungs as I pumped wildly into my hand.
The promise of bliss was right there, taunting me. I whimpered in need as I picked up the pace wanting nothing more than to cum.
Giancarlo’s dark gaze came to mind, and the way his muscles bunched under me flashed before my eyes. My hand tightened. Before I knew it, I was barreling down a tunnel of bliss.
Cum shot out of my cock, soaking into the bedding under me. I stroked my cock through it all before letting my hand fall to the side. I dropped down and groaned.
It hadn’t felt nearly as good. There was no burning need to go again and again until I passed out as it’d been with Giancarlo. I rolled over onto my back and lifted my hand to stare at the sticky mess left behind. A shiver wracked down my spine. My hand dropped.
In the end, the porn hadn’t done much for me. I turned it off as the crescendoing moans grated on my nerves. I’d much rather hear Giancarlo’s deep groans.
On day six, the fridge was empty. My adventures with cooking proved to be a terrible choice. I’d gone through everything in the kitchen, and now I was left with scraps. What little I had made a decent soup. It was probably more thanks to Giancarlo’s spice cabinet than my actual cooking skills.
Masturbating had been fun, but I wasn’t in any rush to do it again. For some reason, it made me feel even lonelier than before. I sat in front of the door and waited until the sun disappeared.
I forced myself to my feet and headed to the room Giancarlo had given me. I plopped down, hoping that tomorrow would be better.
Day seven, my stomach cramped in hunger, and dragged my ass near the front door again. There was nothing else for me to do. The tv was on, but even that wasn’t enough for me. I wrapped a blanket around me as I waited for Giancarlo to come home.
Not having my father breathing down my neck was heaven, but I always missed him when he was gone for too long. Now was no different. I didn’t know Giancarlo all that well, but I wanted him to come home already. It was better than being isolated.
I sat on the floor in front of the door staring at it as my stomach twisted into knots.How many more days will he be gone?What if he never comes back for me?
My lungs burned as I gasped, trying to drag in air. No matter how hard I tried, it didn’t feel like enough. My eyes watered, and I buried my face deeper into my arms.
Please come home.
I gruntedas Silvy smashed into the guy’s head again. Panting, I stood up and wiped the sweat from my forehead. Blood covered my skin instead, and I cringed.Shit’s going to be sticky as fuck. Great.
As I gazed down at my handiwork, I didn’t feel the same sense of satisfaction that I usually did. I hadn’t even toyed with the prey before I bashed his head in. I tugged out my phone to send the text to Benito.
Gin: Done.
We hadn’t spoken more than five words to each other. He sent me assignments, I completed them, I told him when it was done, he returned the message with a thumbs up. I waited with bated breath to see what he’d do today.