Ramsey had woken a beast in me.

I slowly slid out and collapsed next to him. I pushed my fingers through his tangled hair and dragged him closer to me. Just as badly as I wanted to bring him to ruin, I wished to hold him too.

“You mess my head up. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad one just yet.” I lay there for another minute before I forced myself to move. I cleaned myself up and went to the bedroom to do the same to Ramsey.

He was like a doll as I moved him around and tucked him into my bed. I wanted to get in with him as well. Instead, I headed downstairs to get a few things.

“So, you were the one to break the rule first,” Theon said as he leaned over the couch.

I grabbed a bottle of water for Ramsey and one for myself.

“It was your idea to have him as ours.”

Theon smiled at me as he flopped down. “I don’t care, just glad you finally got your dick wet.” He glanced my way, his green eyes full of mischief. “So, you’re just as hooked as we are?”

As if Foxyn was summoned, he stepped through the front door. He slipped his shoes off before stopping in the middle of the living room.


“Leyton brought Ramsey home.”

Foxyn shrugged. “Figured he would. Where is the little slut?”

“Passed out in my bed.”

“Must have fucked him good,” Theon groaned. He grabbed his dick and sighed. “I can’t wait for the football season to be over. By the time I get to him, I only get a blow job before I have to leave.” He shot up with a wide grin on his face. “Holy shit, he’s here, which means I get access to him whenever. Midnight blow jobs.”

He made it sound like he expected Ramsey to stay. I opened my mouth to tell him it wasn’t happening. Although everything I’d looked into proved fruitless. I’d caved to my ever-pressing desire to fuck him. Ramsey wasn’t fully trustworthy.

My mouth snapped shut as no words left me. The thought of returning Ramsey to his dorm room made me want to punch something. He was mine.

I ran my fingers through my hair as it finally hit me. “He will stay around for now. I need to still look into him, and it will be easier having him close.”

Foxyn cocked a brow at me, undoubtedly skeptical of my flimsy reasoning. Theon, on the other hand, whooped and jumped off the couch.

“You done with him?” Theon asked.

I stepped in his way before he could race upstairs and grab Ramsey. “I’m not.” I wanted more time, even if Ramsey was asleep.

“Uh, fine. I call dibs tomorrow morning.”

“I got the night,” Foxyn added.

A schedule would be needed soon, or we would end up coming to blows over Ramsey. The last thing I needed was these two fighting over what we’d agreed was ours.

Maybe this won’t work.Ramsey had the power to destroy us, to ruin the family we’d built. I shoved the thoughts away before I fell too far down the rabbit hole.

I nodded. I was fine with that for now. I turned and headed toward the steps, ready to return to Ramsey. “Oh, be careful of his nipples for the next four weeks.”

“You didn’t,” Theon said, sporting a prominent smile.

“I did. They take up to nine to twelve months, but we should be in the clear around four weeks.”

“Fuck, I bet he looks sexy.” Theon wiped at his chin and stared at the stairs longingly.

“We’re coming to see,” Foxyn said.

I knew denying them was pointless. They were just as drawn and fixated on Ramsey as I was.