“Go ahead and cum. Show us what kind of whore you really are.”

It was as if a switch was flipped. I gasped around Foxyn’s cock, choking on it much harder as my body responded to Leyton’s words.

“Mother fuck,” Foxyn groaned. He slammed down and held my face pressed against his abdomen as hot splashes of cum slid down my throat.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my climax ripped through me. I could do nothing but sit back and be twisted up in ecstasy. Before I knew it, glorious sweet air greeted my lungs, and I sucked it in. I released a few wet coughs and swallowed the remainder of Foxyn’s cum as I tried to inhale as much air as possible.

The world was slowly coming back to me, and I groaned as I pressed my forehead to the ground. Dust and my hair caked to my sweaty face. The sound of the car approaching grabbed my attention, and I attempted to sit up, but it was a no-go.

I turned my head just in time to see Leyton and Foxyn enter the jeep. Theon was behind the wheel.

They wouldn’t.

“Good luck finding your way back,” Theon said. The car engine revved, and they did a donut flinging dust and rocks my way. I coughed and covered my face as fast as I could. Something hit me in the face, and I went down.

The car’s sound disappeared, and I groaned as I forced my body to move. I pulled the heavy cloth off my face only to see it was a hoodie. SSAU was proudly on the front. I pressed it against my face, and it smelled just like Leyton.

An ache erupted in the middle of my chest.



Every inch of my body hurt, and no amount of soaking in a fucking tub would help. I popped two pain pills and shielded my eyes from the glaring light above. It took me two fucking days to return to the university. My feet were raw with blisters, and the mother fucking sun would have been a bitch if it hadn’t been for Leyton’s hoodie. I lifted my arm slightly to look at it. It still smelled like him. I could not bring myself to wash it even after it got covered in dirt.

The twin mattress pressed against aches that felt permanent. I could picture myself as an old man telling my great-grandkids about the time I had to walk back to school on foot for two days.

Ringing blasted throughout the room, and I jumped. Pain shot up my legs, and I flopped back down on the mattress with a groan. “Fuck.” My legs hurt like a bitch. I twisted to the left just slightly and aimlessly slapped around for the damn ringing contraption. I wanted nothing more than to toss it out the fucking window.

My fingers curled around something cold, and I yanked it toward me. My phone flashed as it continued to ring.

“Fuck.” My damn vocabulary had been reduced to a single word. Fuck my life. Fuck everything. The only thing that was remotely worth giving a fuck about was my guys, but I had no idea what was happening on that front.

I forwarded the call and contemplated what I had the energy for. I’d set up the job to get close to Foxyn, and I’d achieved that.Kind of.

I flipped over as I thought about Foxyn towering above me and his big rough hands shoving me around. Who gave a damn about how tired I was? I’d find the energy for any of my guys. The phone started blaring again, and I quickly put it on silent mode.

I slipped out of bed, my feet screaming when they touched the cool tile. I sucked in a breath through my teeth. Each step was like stepping on needles doused in gasoline. My toes went numb by the time I made it to the small ass closet.

The only reason I was moving at all was the thought of seeing Foxyn in the gym. I’d memorized his fights and training schedule. He normally wouldn’t be there today. During the testing week, he tended to spend more time in the gym, relieving stress.

Thank fuck for the tests. They might be the only way I’d get to see him. Once I did, what would happen? I had no idea what the guys thought after they used my mouth; I could have sworn I saw desire written all over their faces. Theon had hinted at another time, but they’d also left me.

My head was a jumbled-up mess. It felt like I was at square one again, trying to devise a plan to make them mine.

The soft fabric of my shirt felt great as it slid over my skin. My pants were another thing. Joggers, jeans, and even sweatpants were painful. I had a few scrubs the school supplied me, but I hated how they looked. I caved after attempting to slip jeans over my ruined knees. Scratches marred both of them, and they were bright red.

My hand hovered over them, and I could practically feel the heat radiating off them. The cuts were angry and pulsing.

“Shit.” I was pretty certain they were infected. I hobbled over to the small bathroom and turned the shower on.Fuck.I didn’t have time for this shit.

I scrambled around the bathroom for the bar of soap. My heart pounded in time with the wounds on my knees. The spray of water pelted down on the tender flesh, drawing out a groan in agony.

My hands trembled as I soaped them up. I gently caressed my right knee and swore under my breath. It felt as if I’d taken sandpaper to my flesh as I rubbed vigorously. I squeezed my eyes shut, gritting my teeth through the pain.

Remembering how I’d acquired the wounds took some of the sting away. A different kind of heat enveloped me. My legs spread on their own, and my cock stiffened the further my mind slipped down the degraded path of my memories. I swallowed and groaned at the empty feeling in my mouth. Now that I’d had all three of their cocks there, I was desperate for a repeat.

I’d finally had a taste of them all, and I wanted more. I was no better than a junkie getting high on their first fix. I’d do anything before to get the guys. Now, there was no telling what I’d result to doing.