The guys grinned like sharks as they stared at me. Foxyn and Theon started stretching, and my stomach twisted with the unknown.What the hell is about to happen that they needed to stretch?

“It’s simple enough. Even you can do it.” Leyton pointed around us. “Your only job is to run.”

Spikes of adrenaline drilled into my legs and arms, and I was ready to go instantly. “If I’m caught?”

Leyton met my gaze. The severity held in his dark eyes gave me pause. “Don’t.”

Theon had a wide grin as he hopped on the balls of his feet. He mouthed, “You’re fucked” to me, and my stomach dropped. I flexed my fingers as they began to tingle.


“That means run,” Foxyn said.

I didn’t have to be told twice; I turned on my heels and ran. I didn’t know where I was going or where I should even hide. There were a few small hills. The shacks were the most obvious, which is where the guys would go storming through first. My mind was racing along with my heart as I tried to outthink them at their own game.

I got further and further away from the guys. I had no idea how long my head start would last, but I needed to put as much distance between us as possible.


I ran with everything I had, my lungs pumping with every strained breath. The darker it became, the more I tripped. There were random dips and thorny fucking bushes snagging my clothes every turn I made.

I twisted around a corner and slammed my back against the wood shack. It rattled before settling.


I wiped the sweat from my face, straining my ears to hear them over my own pounding heart.

“Pequeno puta!”

I shook my head. They told me to run and called out to me like I was some idiot. I was crazy for them but not stupid. Sweat coated my body, making my shirt cling to my skin. No matter how much I pulled it away, it snapped back and stuck to me like a second skin.

The crunch of sand and rock under my shoes reached my ear. I peeked past the shack only to get caught by Theon.

“There you are.”

I shoved off the shack and jumped over an overturned barrel. One Theon hadn’t seen. He tripped and growled as he scrambled up.

“You’re fucking dead,” Theon shouted.

I didn’t wait to see if he was okay. I ran like my ass was on fire.

My legs burned as I slid to the ground and hid under a pile of wood. Fuck knew what kind of creatures lived in there, but they couldn’t be nearly as terrifying as the ones hunting me.

Fear prickled up my back like a familiar lover. My cock was rock hard as it strained against the fabric of my joggers. I refrained from touching myself no matter how badly I wanted to.

“Where the fuck are you?” Foxyn called.

He was right outside where I was hiding. I held my breath and stared out the small hole between the wood slats. A rush like no other coursed through my veins. I couldn’t decide if I wanted them to find me right now or keep up the game.

Some part of me knew this would turn out badly, but I couldn’t find it in me to give a damn. Having all three of them hunt me like I was prime meat had me ready to shout in celebration. They still cared about me.

“There you are.” Foxyn’s face appeared before me, making me shout as fear squeezed my lungs.

I hit my head on one of the wood pieces. It was the least of my worries as Foxyn dragged me out of my hide hole.

“Still stuffing yourself in small spaces.” He grunted and tossed me to the ground.

I groaned and sat up on my knees.Now what? Will he destroy me?