“I’m not going to do anything.”

He grunted as he walked next to me. Theon was whispering to Leyton ahead of us, bouncing around as a kid hyped on sugar. He hadn’t changed. He had way too much energy to spend.

“What was with the knife?” Foxyn asked.

I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. His muscles bunched as he intertwined his fingers behind his head. He looked down at me and smirked.

Fuck, he’s sexy.

“Protection,” I said, shrugging.

“From that uncle of yours?”

My chest constricted at the mention of my uncle. I stopped and stared at him in wonderment. He remembered?

“Move your feet, Laureati,” Foxyn growled.

I caught up to him just as we made it outside. The evening sun beat down on me, and I shielded my eyes. At least I had the day off, so nothing would interfere with my and the guys’ time.

“You’re either still as stupid as when we were kids or more capable than you were back then,” Leyton said. He opened the back door to the jeep, and I hopped in without prompt.

“Who says this isn’t exactly where I want to be?”

Theon laughed as he got in right behind me. “You used to run from us. Now you’re chasing us?”

I shrugged. “Times change.”

“I doubt that,” Leyton said as he hopped in behind the wheel.

The other side of the backseat opened, and Foxyn jumped in. His long legs stretched and pressed against mine. I was squashed between Foxyn and Leyton, and I had to pinch myself to ensure I wasn’t asleep.

“Did you check him for the knife?” Leyton asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

I raised my hands. “Didn’t bring it with me.”


Maybe but I had no intentions of killing my guys, not unless I was driven to. I relaxed back against the plush seats as they drove me to gods only knew where. Staying aware would have been the smart choice. Sleep tugged at me, and being between the guys was like being wrapped up in a blanket.

I yawned, unable to hold it back. My back arched slightly, and I stretched as much as I could before settling back down.

“Are we boring you?” Leyton asked.

“Not at all, just a bit tired. Been a little busy.” I rubbed my eyes and caught him staring back at me from the rearview mirror.

He turned the music up before staring back at the road. I felt eyes on me, and I turned to meet Theon’s wondering gaze.


“Where did you learn to suck dick like that?”

As if yanked down by sheer force, my gaze dropped to Theon’s crotch. Remembering the weight of his stiff cock on my tongue had my mouth watering. I swallowed and licked my lips with a newfound hunger. My fatigue was long forgotten in the wake of sucking Theon’s cock.


A calloused hand wrapped around my throat and yanked me back. “You’ve been a whore since you left us.”

I tilted my head back a little and froze at the anger shimmering in Foxyn’s blue eyes. It was the same look he wore when faced with an opponent that pissed him off. Every nerve ending was on high alert as I thought about the best way to escape.