“Of course, Ramsey, you had a hard night. You can take the bed. I’ll sleep out here. The couch is pretty comfy.”

Peyton was a good guy. Yet my heart only beat for the bad ones.



My mouth was dry, and my eyes burned. But, it didn’t compare to how much my chest ached. I rolled over to open my eyes to a ceiling I didn’t know and an itchy carpet scraping against my back.

“You’re awake.”

I blinked a few times and turned my head to see Peyton standing near me. He had a soft smile as if he was looking down at a lost soul.Maybe I am.

My eyes dropped closed, wishing to return to the darkness of dreams.

“You’re going to spend the day sleeping on my floor?”

“Not if you keep talking.”

A soft finger brushed along my cheek, and I flinched away from the foreign touch. “How about we go get breakfast…Well, more like lunch.”

I cracked open an eye. What would get him to go away? A knife to the throat? A bullet to the skull?

Strong hands lifted me, and I groaned as I was forced onto my feet. “You’re just asking to die.”

Peyton laughed as if it were a joke. His death was looking more and more probable as time ticked by.

“Ramsey, you’re so cute.” He ruffled my hair and let me go. Payton grabbed his coffee once more. “Coffee before we go?”

“No, thanks. Do you have a cigarette I can bum off you?”

Peyton’s nose wrinkled up. I already knew his answer before he said anything.

“Never mind. Can we stop at a gas station on the way to lunch?” I didn’t feel like being awake, let alone eating. My fingers itched to do something.

“Sure, but you should give up the habit. It’s bad for you.”

“There are many things bad for me, and I still did them.” The guys came to mind, and the ache in my chest throbbed. I quickly moved around Peyton and found the bathroom with ease. I slammed the door shut behind me and bent over to empty my stomach.

I dry heaved until there was nothing left. My stomach cramped, and I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Drinking without eating had to be one of the dumbest things I’d done in a long time. Standing up on shaky legs, I cleaned my face and rinsed my mouth with Peyton’s mouthwash.

Meeting my gaze in the mirror, I saw the lost boy from six years ago. Someone born into this world without anyone. I closed my eyes and turned away before I broke the mirror.

“You okay?”

“Too much beer.” Fuck, did he ever stop?

Peyton walked away, and I got a blessed second to myself. This friend thing was more bothersome than I’d originally thought. Everyone made it seem so great. However, it was more annoying to me.

“Here, you got a little something on your shirt,” Peyton said, offering his shirt. He smiled. “It might be a bit big, but it’s my smallest shirt.”

I took the offering and stripped out of my shirt.

“Shit,” Peyton said.

I stopped with his shirt hovering over my head. Peyton’s eyes were glued to my nipples, and I glanced down at them. The piercings Leyton had bought me. My nipples throbbed as if the damn things were missing Leyton too.

Peyton took a step toward me, his hand outstretched. “Can I?”