“Are you listening, Adams?”

I shrugged. “I take it easy on the pussies here.”

“Foxyn!” Coach grimaced as he dragged a meaty hand down his face. “If you weren’t such a good fighter, I’d kick you out.”

Yet he wouldn’t. Because even with my injury, I was still the best fighter in the school. I’d put his name on the map and had gotten the school a shit ton of money for a new gym facility. Even if I took a shit on his desk, they wouldn’t get rid of me.

“Shit, you’re done for the day,” Coach said through tight lips.

It didn’t matter to me. I’d worked out about as much as I could, and now my damn elbow was throbbing.

I saluted him and headed toward the changing room, only for him to stop me once again.

“New doc in. Go get your elbow checked over.”

Irritation bubbled up in the middle of my chest, and my fingers curled into a fist. The image of letting my fists fly and my knuckles connecting with the coach’s face readily played freely in my mind. Maybe then I’d relieve some of the constant anger inside of me.

“Adams, it’s not up for negotiation.”

I ground my molars as I turned toward the physical therapy room. My fingers wrapped around the handle, and I yanked it open just as another fighter was leaving. He sported a huge smile, and his face was beet red.

“Next week, me and you,” he said. The moment he turned around, he ran right into me and stumbled back.

It was like a piece of paper had hit my chest.

“Man, watch where the fuc—” He clamped his mouth shut instantly once our eyes met. “Foxyn… My bad, I was um—”

“Get the fuck out of my way.”

He jumped and scrambled to the side. I thought of punching him, but it wouldn’t be worth it. Not only would the coach get on my ass, but I’d never hear the end of it from Leyton, either. He was all about not risking our scholarships. And if one of us were kicked out, the other two would follow. We were brothers forged through pain, blood, and trauma. There was no separation, and it was the last thing I wanted.

I swallowed back the annoyance as I walked further into the room. My usual physical therapist paled at seeing me, but he opened his door. Rolling my shoulders back, I headed for his room only to stop short. A weighted gaze rested on me, dragging my attention to the other man in the room.

Wavy brown hair fell around an angular face. He had a sharp nose and taut cheeks. A single dimple rested in the middle of his chin and became more prominent as he smiled. Our eyes met, and instantly, I was hit with nostalgia.


I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him. The inkling in the back of my head screamed. I knew him from somewhere, but where? I couldn’t place him. It was the first time I’d seen him here.

“Oh, you haven’t met some of the new hires. This is—”

“I’m not important, not enough for Foxyn Adams.”

The way he said my name had goosebumps breaking out all over my arms. He smirked, and I couldn’t help but want to wipe the smug look off his face. Where most feared or avoided looking at me, it was as if the new guy attempted to stare directly into my soul.

“Uh, come on, Foxyn. Let me take a look at your elbow,” Dr. Lepo said.

I know him from somewhere.I just couldn’t place where. The need to know scratched at the back of my mind. Before I knew it, I was moving toward him. I stood over the stranger at least by a few inches. Even hovering over him felt nostalgic.

Makes you want to throw him against a wall.

I blinked at the strange voice.What the hell was that?I dragged my gaze down the new guy’s body. He wasn’t just a pretty face. His muscles were on the leaner side, but what caught my attention were the scars on his knuckles.He knows how to fight, that’s for sure.

“I’m going to let the new doc handle it.” I met his gaze. “If he isn’t too scared.”

The new physical doctor smiled. “Scared? Should I be?” He shook his head, his wavy brown hair dancing over his face.

Grab it. Curl those locks around your fist and fuck him while he screams.