The smell of tobacco hit me and wrapped around me like a vice. My fingers twitched. I instinctively closed the folder and fished out my cigarette. I lit it up and inhaled the sweet taste of tobacco before answering Elio.

“Not a chance, but I’m more than happy to take care of this one for you.”

Elio eyed me. I knew he wasn’t buying my bullshit.

“He’s the last piece I need to get what I want.”

Elio nodded as if he understood, and maybe he did. He did whatever he wanted. From what I’d heard, he hadn’t exactly acquired his guys the traditional way. He’d seen them, latched on, and bam, they were all chained to his bed. Or so the hushed whispers went.

“You kill him, you clean it up.” Elio blew out a puff of smoke and stared into my eyes, holding out his hand.

I knew the deal. I hadn’t jumped headfirst into the family, which meant I didn’t exactly get all the perks. I had my connections, and it was nothing to trade a few favors.

I fished out the flash drive, and Elio caught it. The latest shooter game was on there. SSAU was open to a lot of shit. There was even a facility where some game developers sent their games early for testing. I happened to slip in and steal a copy of a game that wouldn’t be out for another two years. Not exactly an equal trade, but like me, Elio would do anything for his men.

“Should be a great gift for one of your guys.”

Elio smiled, and I took a step back. The only time I’d witnessed him smiling was during a kill. The last thing I wanted was to be his bloodlust’s target.

“See you around,” I said.

Elio waved me off, and I took it for the dismissal it was. I jogged over to my car and put out my cigarette on the bottom of my shoe before hopping in.

Shit was looking up for me. I read over all the information in the document and kissed it. This was the last piece.

“Leyton, you’re next.”



There wasn’t much that could take me by surprise anymore except the email I’d received this morning.

Dear Mr. Gomez,

You are currently under the SSAU National Merit scholarship. Your current grade status in ECO 285 is below the standard 75% that is required for your scholarship. I have taken the liberty of setting you up with a tutor and expect your grade to improve.

Thank you,

Professor Billups.

I read it over again just in case it was some mistake. Even took the time to go to his damn office, only for him not to be there. I checked the time and ground my teeth. There was no way in hell I was failing shit. All my grades were A's, and I worked damn hard to ensure it.

There was no point in checking the school board system; I’d done that five times on my walk over. There was a fucking F sitting right next to the class. It made no fucking sense.

I was seconds away from losing it, and it was taking everything in me to keep calm. I blew out a measured breath and ran my fingers through my hair.It can all be fixed.First, meet with the dumbass tutor and then get in touch with the professor.

Easy.I tilted my head to the left and then the right stretching out the muscles, forcing the rest of my body to relax. Worry wouldn’t solve shit, and I knew that.

I checked my phone and sighed as I left for the library. Whoever this tutor was better to be prepared for the worst. I was even more pissed off than I’d been when I first read the damn letter.

I left most of the fighting to Foxyn these days. However, beating the shit out of someone would be perfect stress relief right now.

The sliding doors opened, and cool air rushed to greet me as I entered the library. Glass windows lined both sides. Rows of computers on one, and a café on the other. I headed toward the elevator, which would take me to the second floor, where tutoring and group projects were held.

I jabbed my finger into the button and leaned back in the corner. With every second that ticked by, the idea of beating the shit out of the so-called tutor sounded more and more inviting.

The elevator pinged, and I headed to the table that had my professor’s name on it. The old bastard had the audacity to even schedule the fucking tutor time.