Before I could say anything, blow job king was gone. Grunting, I yanked my pants back up and gave chase. I was the best running back in Arizona. There was no way he would escape. But as I busted back onto the dance floor and searched for wavy brown hair, I knew it was too late.


I didn’t know who he was, but I would figure it out. And when I found him… I just might make him mine like the voice kept screaming.

My personal fuck toy.



So close I could taste it. I’d have the three monsters of my dreams all to myself. I licked my lips, trying to chase after the taste and feel of Theon’s cock. There was nothing left but memories, but I was used to that. All I had were memories of the guys now; I was just creating new ones.

It had been a week since I sucked Theon off and another three since I touched Foxyn. I would lose my mind soon, but I had to be careful. My fingertips tingled, and I let my eyes close for a moment as I imagined Foxyn before me. My brain did one better and imagined both Theon and Foxyn glaring down at me.

A shiver of excitement rocked through me. As happy as I was, there was one missing, and I couldn’t settle for just two of them. It would never work.

I opened my eyes and flopped back against the seat. The AC in the car blew cold air over my face, calming my racing thoughts. I checked my phone, waiting for the text from my cousin but instead found Mel had texted me.

He’d promised to stay till the end of the semester, although he’d already started packing up his things. Apparently, accommodating his new life without sight was hard on him. I had to hand it to him; he’d been a useful tool so far. In another life, maybe we could have been friends. Maybe.

Mel: Theon’s looking for a guy with brown eyes and long wavy brown hair and slutty mouth.

Laughter filled the car as I read over the message a few times.

He’d liked my mouth that much? I touched my lips and groaned. His cock had been gorgeous, just the perfect length and girth. Not too much and not too little. Could have easily given Theon head for hours if he wanted.

Ramsey: Good job. If all goes well, you can go home early. Surprise your gran. Heard she’s doing good on her new meds.

Mel didn’t text back, and I didn’t expect him to. He undoubtedly wanted me out of his life as soon as possible.

The rumors were currently keeping everyone away from both Foxyn and Theon, but it would only hold for so long. Theon, of course, wouldn’t have let the rumors stop him. With him preoccupied with finding me, it bought me some time.

Getting to Leyton was far harder than the other guys. He didn’t keep anyone around for round two. And no one had his number. He played no sports, and he didn’t do any extracurricular activities.

My mad genius was all about his books. He was at the top of his year. I was certain he could have graduated college early if he wanted to. However, that would have meant he’d leave the other two behind, which would never happen. They had a bond that not even a god could break. Loyalty was one of their hotter traits, and I planned on being included in it.

My phone rang. I jerked in the seat, fumbling with it. I hit the answer button before bringing it to my ear and nearly missed Elio’s words.

“Get your ass out here now.”

The call ended, and I was out of the car in seconds. No way would I make him wait. I shielded my eyes from the Arizona sun radiating down on me. Five seconds out of the air-conditioned car, sweat was already breaking out over my brow.

Elio’s silhouette was easy to spot, and I jogged over to him with my heart thudding violently. It was trying to escape the more I neared death.


I waved at him and spotted Ken not too far away from him. Everywhere my cousin went, his best friend and bodyguard went too. I swore sometimes Ken’s job wasn’t to protect Elio but other people from him. He jerked his head toward me in acknowledgment, and I returned it.

Elio’s eyes darkened the moment our gazes met once more.Shit, I bet he’s still pissed about the scenario I posed.

“Elio, no one touched them.” I raised my hands, showing him I was unarmed. Out of all my family members, Elio was probably the most unhinged, and that was saying something.

“I know that. Get over here.” He held out a folder.

I checked him over one more time before I chanced it. Grabbing the folder, I opened it instantly and looked it over. A sigh of relief rushed out, and I thanked whatever deity was looking out for me.

“You’re getting involved?” Elio asked as he lit up a cigarette.