“Mel, I don’t do well with people who can’t listen.”

More tears broke free. A part of me wondered if he’d cried for Foxyn. I remember how much Foxyn used to love watching me cry. I was about to ask but thought better of it. Depending on the answer, I might end up killing my assistant.


I stood up and walked over to my bag. I rummaged through it until my fingers wrapped around the bottle of methanol. I didn’t like keeping too much of it on me. But, it was better in times like this. I grabbed an eye dropper and kept my back to Mel so he wouldn’t see what I was doing.

I took enough and turned back, hiding the dropper behind my back. With each step, I got closer to making the guys mine and mine alone. My heart beat erratically in my chest. I grabbed his face, ensuring to hold my breath. The last thing I wanted to do was fuck myself up. I dropped the liquid into his eyes. Any that dropped near evaporated instantly. A few drops got in, and the screams went from panic to pure agony. I pried his eye open with two fingers and poured the rest in. I released him after only getting one eye, although he deserved to lose both.

Mel screamed and rocked so hard that the chair toppled over. I stood there, watching him suffer. Lifting my phone, I checked the time. The pain should be dulling slightly any second now.

“For what you did, I had every intention of taking both eyes, but I’m going to be generous.”

I’d only given him a small amount. Hopefully, it didn’t fuck him up too much. If it did, I’d have to find someone else to carry out my plans, but I had high hopes for Mel.

I pulled the cloth out of his mouth, and he let out another cry.

“Didn’t your family teach you any manners?” I wrapped my hand around his throat, my nails digging into his flesh. “Say thank you.”

“T-thank you.”

“We’re going to get along, and if you listen to everything I say, you won’t have to die. Win-win.”



The hot water washed away all the dirt and sweat from my skin. The tension left every inch of me the longer I stood under the harsh spray of water. Football was kicking my ass. With us on a winning streak, even more pressure was on me. Scouts breathed down my back, and the school held onto me with a death grip.

None of it was important. All that mattered were my best friends and never ending up squatting in some random house again. High school was behind us, and we each worked our asses off to get where we were. Full scholarships and a roof over our heads were the rewards for all our stress.

Maintaining the luxury of living was a bitch and a half. I needed to relieve some stress as soon as possible, or I was liable to fuck everything up. My hand and the shower could only do so much.

I checked the time on my phone and shut the shower off. I would meet Sabrina tonight; she was becoming an issue. I’d heard the rumors of Sabrina claiming to be my girlfriend. I’d toss her to the curb if I weren’t in desperate need of a nut. She was a decent lay. It made up for her mouth and lack of skills in other places.

Anytime I called, she came. It was why she’d been an easy repeat.Guess after this, I’ll have to stop. The last thing I want is some chick clinging to me in pure desperation.

It would be just my luck if she showed up on our doorstep, claiming I knocked her up. I’d be chained to her for the rest of my damn life. The thought made me shudder, and I ensured to grab two rubbers just in case.

Need twisted in my gut. I glanced down at my cock. “We deserve this.”

“Stop talking to your fucking dick and get out of the bathroom,” Foxyn shouted through the door.

I sighed. “Don’t be mad because I won’t let you suck it.”

“I wouldn’t touch your dick even if you paid me.”

I rolled my eyes and tightened the towel around my waist before opening the door. Foxyn stood there scowling as if a bug had bitten him on the taint.

“Move.” Foxyn pushed past me, and I flipped him off.

We’d been best friends since kindergarten. Somewhere along the way, our friendship evolved into so much more. We were like brothers. He and Leyton were all the family I had. We’d stuck together through some shitty times, forging a bond nothing could ever break.

“Someone needs to get laid.” I headed toward my room, ignoring Foxyn’s grumbles. I could barely remember a time when he wasn’t a big ball of anger. He seemed to have a storm cloud over his head, raining down on him at all times.

I slipped on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, making sure to lint roll it clean of debris. My brown and blond curls fell forward, and I tugged on a strand and watched as it bounced back in place. I added some curl activator to my hair and styled it back out of my face.

My facial hair was recently touched up. I ran my hand over it, smoothing down any strays.