I had my knife out, pressed firmly against his throat. “His what?” My voice was oddly steady, a stark contrast to the spikes of anger stabbing me.

Mel yelped. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he tried to speak. “I... I... It’s what I heard.”

“He has a girlfriend?”

The stagnant stench of urine graced my senses, and I frowned as I looked down. Mel’s pants were drenched in piss, and a puddle was soaking into the carpet.

“If you think a little piss is going to get me to back off, you have no idea who I am.” My head tilted to the side as I laughed. “Shit, youdon’tknow who I am.” I shook my head.

Mel stared at me as if I’d lost my mind, and maybe I had. Who knew? Either way, it was too late to fix whatever was wrong with my brain.

“Girlfriend. Who is she?” I’d watched the guys for months, and not once had there been one single person that stuck out to me. There’d been a few fuck buddies but never anyone with a status as important as a girlfriend.

“It’s just what she calls herself...” Mel licked his blood-caked lips. “We all know Theon gets around. He isn’t faithful to anyone.”

Not yet.

“He’ll stick his dick in anything,” Mel said.

I pulled back and twisted the knife in my hands. “Sabrina. You know anything else about her?”

Mel nodded, too eager to get rid of me. “Yeah, I can give you anything. Please, just let me go.”

I grinned at him. “I don’t recall saying this was open negotiation.”

I nearly laughed as the hope bled out of his eyes.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill you. You’re going to help me, and hopefully, I won’t have to come back and visit you. Or your family’s cabin in Ouray, Colorado. I put on a thoughtful expression. “Oryour grandparents’ place in Sonoma, California.” I tapped his forehead with my knife. It knicked him, and a small bead of blood rolled down his face. “I’d even be able to find you at your great aunt’s place in Hinton, West Virginia.”

Mel’s eyes were so wide I could imagine them popping out.

“Am I clear?”

He nodded so hard I swore I could hear his pea size brain rattle. “Good, but I do have to punish you.”

“What? Why?”

I shushed him, placing a finger over his lips. “You not only got to touch what was mine, but you stupidly showed it to others.” Anger hit me hard, and my grip on the knife tightened. The thought of stabbing the blade repeatedly through Mel’s chest flashed before me. I pulled my hand back before I could follow through with the tempting thought.

“I didn’t know... Please. Please, I’m sorry. I swear if I had known, I wouldn’t have touched him. I’m sorry.”

I sighed as I bent over, grabbed the rag, and stuffed it back in his mouth. Mel shook his head, trying desperately to avoid being gagged. I ensured it was deep, muffling his screams and cries.

“Better.” I exhaled in relief. “Does he ever tell you that you talk too much?”

Not caring about the answer, I straddled Mel’s lap and sat down. His wet clothes seeped through mine, but I ignored the chilling feeling as I grabbed his head and tilted it down.

“I could be an evil bastard and cut a few toes off so you wouldn’t be able to play soccer ever again. But I doubt it would give me any satisfaction. Cutting off your cock sounds fun. What do you think?”

Fresh tears rolled down Mel’s face. He screamed behind the gag.

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.” I smiled at him as his eyes widened. “I’ve decided.” I grabbed his chin and tilted it down. “I suggest staying still. Wouldn’t want me to fuck up and cut off a nose or something.”

Mel shook underneath me. He attempted to talk to me through the gag, but it came out as nothing more than mumbo jumbo. He might as well be speaking a foreign language.

“Close your eyes.”

Mel kept them open, and I tisked.