All the sexual tension leaves the room, and I know Evander is completely focused now. “Well, I know nothing about the legalities, and I know it’s a lot to ask, but maybe we should consider seeing if we can be his guardians? At least until they find him a home better suited.”

Before I can even process Evander’s words, the water shuts off and Logan comes out of the shower. I can’t get the conversation out of my mind. Neither of us says anything to Logan as we get ready, grab some breakfast, and head back to the hospital. I need a minute alone with Evander to discuss this further, but I don’t know when that will be.

One of the nurses meets us in the hallway. “Detective, good morning. Are you here to see the children?”

She means Rory specifically and is just not singling him out for safety purposes, though we should go see the others. Maybe when Logan is visiting with him, Evander and I can go see the ones who don’t have family. None of them should be alone.

“Yes. How is he?”

“He had a bit of a rough morning. Had a complete panic attack when a nurse went to change his bandages and replace his IV. We had to sedate him.”

Logan clicks his jaw, his expression tight. “Has he seen the therapist yet?”

“No. She is scheduled to meet with him and some of the others later today.”

“Good.” I feel like Logan may want to say more, but he keeps quiet. I take his hand and he squeezes it tight. The baby kicks a few times, and I feel like it’s his way of trying to calm us. I place our joined hands over my belly so Logan can feel the kicks, knowing it will settle him.

It works, and he exhales deeply. “Will I be able to see him? Even if he’s still asleep? I promised I’d come back, and I’d like to be here when he wakes up.”

“I think he’d like that. One of the other girls is sitting in there with him now. She heard him from her room and insisted on being there for him.”

The nurse’s eyes soften and there’s emotion in her voice. “Come on, I’ll take you over there.” She eyes Evander and me. “I’m sorry, but only one of you are allowed in at a time.”

“That’s ok. I was wondering if maybe Evander and I can visit some of the other kids? I know a few of them are alone right now.”

The nurse smiles warmly at us, all the professional politeness evaporating. “I think they’d like that. Come on.”

We follow the nurse down the hallway. Rory’s room is first, so Logan goes in there. I peek in through the glass pane on the door. Rory is sleeping peacefully, a kind of peace he’ll probably only experience in a medically induced haze. In the chair next to him, a girl about 17 is sitting, reading a book. She’s wearing an oversized sweater over a hospital gown. As Logan walks in, she looks up and smiles. I turn back to Evander as we keep walking.

I wonder if we should continue the conversation now, but Evander seems to follow my train of thought and shakes his head. Alright, I guess it can wait. All but one of the remaining kids can have more than one guest at the same time, so Evander and I visit them together. I’m so glad he’s with me because I don’t know if I’d handle it well without him. The two older teenagers barely say more than a few words to us. They’re on guard and don’t trust anyone. I completely understand. According to the files, the sixteen-year-old boy had been with the traffickers since he was eight. He probably doesn’t remember life before that and is understandably standoffish.

Evander is kind and patient. For one girl, all we do is sit there and talk mainly to each other, but we keep her in the conversation. She doesn’t say a word, but I can see her following everything we’re saying. When we’re finally kicked out so she can rest, she waves goodbye.

As soon as we’re in the hallway, Evander breaks off until he’s in the corner in a spot that none of the kids can see from their rooms. He paces the small space, once, twice, and then turns and punches the wall. “Fuck.”

Tears are streaming freely down his face as he knocks his head against the wall, his arms planted on either side of him. The baby kicks, and it’s a reminder I should go to my mate and not just watch him suffer.

I walk slowly, not wanting to startle him. “Evander,” I say quietly, letting him know I’m here.

Evander turns toward me, his face blotchy. “Fuck, Lake. I can’t take this. Those poor kids . . .”

He doesn’t finish his sentence but just collapses into my arms. It’s still not overly comfortable for me to offer physical support, but it’s what Evander needs right now. I push back all my awkwardness and discomfort and wrap my arms around him. He’s squeezing up against my belly as he buries his face into my shoulder. The baby doesn’t seem to mind though.

Ev begins to sob, his body racking with shivers as I rub my hand up and down his back, whispering, “Shh,” over and over. I so wish I could call River right now. He’d know what to do. Or go get Logan. But I can’t rely on my brother for everything emotional, and Logan has enough on his plate. No, I love Evander, and I can be what he needs.

After a while, Evander starts to calm, and I’m able to lead him to the waiting room to sit down. He’s still cuddled into me, but it’s more comfortable for my back than when he was leaning against me while I was standing.

It’s getting to be lunch time, and the baby starts moving, letting me know he’s hungry. I don’t think that’s actually how it works, but without fail, whenever I forget about eating or I start to get overly hungry, the baby starts kicking me, reminding me he’s relying on me to sustain him.

Evander looks up. His eyes are still bloodshot, and his face is swollen from crying, but he’s smiling, a real smile. “Is that the baby I’m feeling?”

“Yes. He’s hungry.”

Evander laughs, his voice rough from crying. “Come on, let’s get some food in you. I’ll text Logan and tell him we’ll meet him back here with lunch in a bit.”

Evander pulls me to my feet, but I stop him before he can walk away. “Evander, wait. Are you ok? I know I’m not the best option, but you can talk to me if you want. I’m a good listener even if I don’t always say the right thing.”

Varying emotions pass through Evander’s expression, but I can’t make them out. “Oh, sweetheart. Never once, no matter how I’m feeling, have I ever wished someone else were with me instead of you. Do sometimes I wish Logan is with us as well? Yes. But you have always been there for me when I needed you—since we met. It’s not always about saying anything, Lake, but just being there. That’s exactly what I need right now.”