Rory’s body stiffens, and, just ever so slightly, he tilts his head to the side so he can see me out of the corner of his eye. He still won’t look directly at me, but this is a huge step, and I’ll take any wins I can manage. I keep my posture relaxed and my face friendly. The kid needs a stabilizing force right now, and I seem to be the only one here for him.

“You’re one hell of a fighter, kid. All of you are.”

He turns his head more. His one eye is swollen shut, but the other one watches me sharply. He tilts his head and watches me questioningly. I have a feeling he’s waiting for an answer, but I’m not sure to what.

I take a stab in the dark. The one girl, Jessica, had said that Rory used to get in all kinds of shit trying to protect the others. Maybe he’s asking about them. “All of the kids you were with on the island got out. They’ll all be ok.” I’m careful how I phrase it. I already know he lost his childhood best friend, and I’m sure many others he’s been with over the last year haven’t made it, and I don’t want to give him any kind of false hope. But the eleven on the island, those I can at least give him some comfort in their statuses.

I see relief fill his body. He opens his mouth, and a weak sound comes out. He immediately shuts it down and turns away from me. I’m not sure what he thought about saying, but I know I won’t find out now.

I stretch my legs. “Anyway, I know you really need rest, and your doctor will probably kick me out soon. I’ll let you go. I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone. I’m from New York, like you, but my boyfriends and I are going to stay here—we’re in South Carolina, by the way—until you’re well enough to be released. I’ll come visit you again tomorrow.”

Rory’s shoulders sag and his eyes close. I don’t blame him. He may be young, but he knows what will happen if some family doesn’t magically pop up to claim him. I wonder if he knows about his mom yet. He doesn’t seem to be asking about her, even through writing, so I’m guessing so. He knows I’ll eventually have to get back to my life and can’t stay here forever, but I’ll give him peace while I can.

I want to touch him so bad, give him some kind of comfort, but I know I can’t. First of all, the last thing he needs is some oversized grown ass man touching him, even on the shoulder. Believe me, I get that. It took me a while to be comfortable with another person, especially a man, touching me. I was always sure it would morph into a blow. Secondly, I won’t risk him getting sick because I can use the support.

I stand up to leave, but Rory makes another pained sound. I turn to him, concerned. “Are you ok? I can call in a nurse.”

Rory shakes his head rapidly, his one eye growing fearful. “Are you sure? Rory, if you’re in pain, they can help you. You’re safe here, I swear.”

He’s shaking his head still, even harder, and I can see his pulse going crazy on the monitor. I need to calm him down before he sets everything off. He points to me with his good arm.

“Me?” I ask.

He nods, calmer this time.

“You want me to stay?”

He relaxes and nods again, still pointing.

I’m not sure how long it will be until I’m kicked out, but I’ll stay as long as I can. “Ok, I’ll stay, but you need to get some rest.” I do my best stern father impression. Rory doesn’t quite smile, but his expression isn’t as much of a grimace as it was. He nods again, agreeing.

“Alright.” I take a seat back in the chair. “Get some rest, kid. I’ll stay here until you fall asleep. And I’ll come back tomorrow.”

He looks at me, his lids already heavy, but I know what he’s asking.Promise?I can’t promise much, but I can promise that.

“Yes, Rory. I promise. Now rest.”

Within seconds, he’s out like a light. And even though the chair is the least comfortable thing I’ve ever sat on in my life, I quickly follow.



The next day, when Logan goes to the hospital, both Evander and I go with him.He ended up staying there well after midnight, when one of the nurses finally kicked him out of Rory’s room. Evander had been sleeping in the waiting room, and they both dragged themselves back to the hotel where I was sleeping.

This morning, while Logan is taking a quick shower, Evander pulls me to the side. “I don’t think Logan will be able to let this kid go.”

I have my laptop out on the hotel bed, going over files of the case. I’m technically suspended, but they didn’t take away my access, which to me seems like an oversight on their part. While I won’t involve myself in anything active, I think it’s prudent to keep up on all the details so when I do come back, I don’t have to catch up.

I glance up from the screen to look at Evander. He’s sitting on the bed wearing nothing but torn jeans, and despite the serious topic, my hormone-driven libido doesn’t care and takes interest in his tattoo-covered muscles that are still damp from his shower.

I must be staring because Evander’s expression darkens. He cups my neck and brings me in for a long and lingering kiss. “Fuck, sweetheart, don’t give me that look. We do not have time for anything right now.”

I’m embarrassed to admit that I whine, actually whine. I also 100% blame the pregnancy for my ridiculous lack of control. I have never felt like this in my life.

I lean into Evander’s touch. “Lake . . .” Evander’s frustrated tone reminds me he’s trying to have a serious conversation, one he wants to complete before Logan gets out of the shower, and I’m trying to get laid. This is so not like me.

My cheeks are red as I pull away. “I’m sorry. But I agree about Rory. What can we do about it, though?”