“Where’s Lake? Is he still talking to his bosses?”
Lake has pretty much been in meeting after meeting for the last two days. I’m terrified he’s going to collapse at any second.
“No, thank gods. I made him go back to our hotel and get some sleep. He’s exhausted and working himself way too hard.” Ev sighs. “I would’ve thought him being suspended would give him a week off, not more work.”
I laugh roughly. “Welcome to law enforcement.”
Ev shudders. “No, thank you. I didn’t even do anything, but I’m giving up my career as a secret agent. Editing books is way more my speed.”
I kiss the top of his head. “Is your company hiring? I may need a change of scenery after all of this.”
Ev’s expression gets serious as he tilts his head up to look at me. “You’re not serious, are you?”
I force a smile. “No. I’m just kidding. I love my job.” Which is true, at least 75% of the time. “I’m just exhausted.”
Ev’s look turns tender. “Understandable. Oh! I called River and Luke and my dad. Let them know we were probably going to be here for a few days. Riv said he’d let Avery and Zoe know.”
I squint. “We’re staying here for a few days? I figured after Lake got released, you’d both want to hightail it back to New York.”
Ev looks around the small hospital waiting room, his eyes focusing on the fading yellow paint. Why would they paint the walls piss yellow? “Don’t get me wrong, the sooner we can get out of here, the better. Lake and I talked for a bit before I made him go to sleep, and we just thought you’d want to be here for a little longer.”
Gods, how did I get so lucky? “Yeah, you’re right. I can’t bring myself to leave them yet.”
“You don’t have to. Not yet. And Lake said he can probably get those without families transferred to New York once they’re stable.”
“Really? That’d be fantastic. I just hate the idea of them being here alone and then getting thrown into some foster home and forgotten about again.”
“One step at a time, babe. Let’s be there for them and hope they can get through this. Has Rory woken up yet?”
The kids are all in varying shapes. They are all dehydrated and a little malnourished, all hypothermic since they were kept in a nonheated building, but the younger ones seem more or less ok. From what we gathered, the guards left the younger ones alone. The ones over ten weren’t so lucky. If I could go back and burn all those assholes to death again, I would. I can’t imagine what they’ve gone through.
Rory was barely alive when we found him. If I hadn’t obsessed over his file for the last year, I probably wouldn’t even have recognized him. According to Jessica, one of the older girls who seemed to be the de facto leader, he had a hard time keeping his mouth shut and it caused problems even before one of the guards took special interest in him.
I swallow down bile. The doctors put him in a medically induced coma when he first arrived, and whether he’ll survive has been a waiting game.
“No, not yet.”
Ev squeezes my hand. “He will.”
I just nod. I’m not as confident as Ev but fuck, I’d do anything to feel even a fraction of that. Anything to get him to wake up.
We haven’t notified Anthony Ruiz’s family about finding Rory. We probably won’t be able to until the entire organization has been taken down. It’s too dangerous. I’m not sure if they’d come here after what happened to their son, but a part of me hopes they would if they could.
Ev settles down next to me and pulls out his phone, playing some game. I shift as much as I can until I’m somewhat comfortable and tip my head back against the wall. Adrenaline kept us all going for a while, but the exhaustion is starting to catch up with me. I close my eyes and allow myself to drift. I doubt I’ll be able to fall asleep, but even resting for a bit will help.
I must drift off because I’m jolted awake when I feel someone shaking my shoulder. Without thinking about it, my hand goes to my hip for my gun that, of course, isn’t there.
The pressure on my shoulder increases and a soothing voice seeps through my brain. “Lo, it’s ok, babe. The doctor is here. He has an update on Rory.”
Suddenly, I’m wide awake. My eyes find a tired-looking doctor who’s probably been up as long as I have. “Sorry about that,” I mumble, but the doctor waves away my apology.
“No need to apologize. We’re all running solely on adrenaline and caffeine at this point. Get some rest when you can.”
I nod in thanks and both Ev and I stand up. “You have news on Rory?” I ask.
The doctor’s expression turns serious, and panic begins to well up in my belly. Oh gods, what if he didn’t make it. After all he’s been through, if this kid lost his fight . . .
“Yes, I do. He’s awake.”