It’s impossible to follow along now, so I just sit there waiting for anything. Any sign that they made it off and they’re in the clear.

There’s nothing for long, stressful moments and then, “Goon squad, boats ahead.”

“Affirmative,” Lake responds.

There’s a lot more noise and confusion, kids crying, and water splashing, all with the background of the fire. I wish I could see what it looked like, but the sounds are enough to have my imagination running wild.

“Wolf pack, come in. We still have no visuals. Please report.”

“Wolf pack clear. We’re headed off this fucking island.”

My breath escapes me in a whoosh, leaving me lightheaded. The room is blurry, and I don’t know why until I feel something wet on my cheeks and I realize I have tears coming down. I feel like I’m in a fog and everything I’m witnessing is through another person’s eyes. I don’t know how long I’m in this other state until Lake’s hand cups my cheek.

“Evander, Logan is on the line. Do you want to talk to him?” As I blink back tears, Lake’s sweet face comes into focus.

“Logan?” I ask, not exactly sure what I’m asking.

He hands me the device. “Baby?” A hoarse voice comes through. “Is that you?”

“L-Logan?” I’m almost scared to ask. Scared that it’s some cruel trick and Logan didn’t make it off.

The voice laughs roughly, which causes a coughing fit. “Yeah, babe. It’s me. Fuck, it’s good to hear your voice.”

The tears are flowing freely now and I’m gasping for breath even as relief fills me. I have no idea how I managed to hold it together for this long, but I’m losing it now. Logan is safe. He’s coughing, but he’s ok. I don’t know about Rory yet, but I can’t seem to make myself form the question as my silent tears turn to full-body-racking sobs. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Logan answers my question without me having to voice it. “I got him, Ev. Rory’s out. We got him out.” The relief and exhaustion are evident in his voice, but I don’t hear anything else he says as my emotions overwhelm me.

I hold tight onto Lake as he continues to speak to Logan. They may as well be speaking in another language right now as much as their words wash over me. But it’s fine. I’ll see Logan soon. I’ll find out more details about the kids shortly. They made it off the island and now, finally, we can move forward.



Ican still taste the smoke from the fire, feel it in my chest, despite the medics telling me my lungs are clear. It doesn’t matter that they told me I’m lucky to get away with no smoke damage and only minor burns. Every time I close my eyes, I can see the flames as they spread way too quickly through the dry island. My eyes are dry and itchy from the smoke, and I can’t see anything as I desperately clutch onto the two children in my arms, refusing to let them go even as they slow me down.

All and all, the mission was a success, though. Even if it will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life. The children are alive. Everyone on our team, including the undercovers, came out on the other side with nothing more than minor burns and scrapes and scratches. The traffickers are dead, and one of their bases is destroyed.

Lake’s boss is furious, obviously, but even he can’t deny that the mission was a success. Early reports show that the rest of the organization isn’t suspicious of their involvement, so the overall mission isn’t a lost cause. Lake is getting away with a written warning and a one-week suspension, and I know we got lucky in that. They agreed not to include my involvement in any reports or divulge it to my supervisor. So again, the mission is considered a success. Why do I feel so heavy then?

I feel a presence next to me and smile tiredly when I see it’s Ev. Gods, he’s been our rock for the last 48 hours since we got off that godforsaken island. Fuck, he’s always been my rock, I guess.

I’m sitting in one of those hard plastic hospital chairs, waiting for the doctor to give us an update on the kids. Just thinking about them makes me want to vomit. Their ages range from four years old to seventeen. Four fucking years old. I will always see those twins in my arms when I close my eyes. Despite being a girl and a boy, I only saw Lake and River when I looked at them. Their red hair, almost the same color as Lake’s, was dirty and matted to their faces, their big brown eyes staring at me with a mixture of hope and fear.

They’ll be ok. I’m sure of it. They have loving parents who have been desperately looking for them in their small town in Georgia for the last two weeks, after someone walked off with them from the playground of their daycare. I’m sure it will always be with them, but I have all the faith in the world that will grow up to live full and happy lives.

The other kids are a mixed bag. Those with parents have been notified. Of course, because of the nature of the mission, it will be a long time, if ever, that these families can return to their normal lives. They will all need some protection, and I believe most of them will be getting identity changes, including the twins and their family. Still, at least those kids have families to go home to. Someone who cares.

That’s not the case for all of them, and it’s why I’m sitting in this hospital. Rory isn’t the only one who didn’t have a family the doctors could call. Well, I suppose they tried to call his father, but no surprise to anyone, the sleazebag is MIA. So now, the poor kid and three others are lying alone, in varying conditions and probably terrified, in their hospital beds.

Ev hands me a coffee that I chug down gratefully, despite it being crappy. I’m used to shitty coffee, anyway. I’m a cop.

“Any news?” he asks me after a few minutes once I’ve settled.

Shaking my head, I open my arms, and Ev slides into them willingly. I allow the comfort of his scent to wash over me. “No. I had to flash my badge to even get them to agree to give me updates. I wish I could go sit with him. Fuck, with any of them.”

“I know, Lo. But you’re here. You’re doing everything you can.”

Ev rests his head on my shoulder, and I run my fingers through his hair. We’re getting a few looks, but I give zero fucks. If only Lake was here too, we’d really be giving them something to talk about. Speaking of . . .