“Yeah. Uh, River, it’s pretty bad. He’s been going almost nonstop since 4 am. We put in a call to the afterhours line at the doctor and she said to just be concerned about him keeping fluids down for dehydration. But I don’t know. Logan and I are worried, and Lake keeps saying no hospitals.”

River curses softly under his breath. “Shit. I was kind of hoping he’d avoid that whole thing. I won’t lie. If he’s anything like me, it’s going to be like this for a while. I’ll tell you this: trust your instincts. If you think he needs to go to the hospital, take him. He’ll probably be pissed, but if you and Logan love him as much as I think you do, you just have to deal with it. And I don’t say that lightly. I fucking hate hospitals myself. It was actually Lake who made that call for me when I was in the same situation. If you really don’t want to make that call, I can come over and do it for you.”

It sounds like a threat, but I don’t think he meant it that way. But still, River is essentially saying Lo and I need to step up and take our role as Lake’s partners seriously.

“Don’t worry, we will take him if we think we need to. We’re not leaving him alone today, and I’ll try to get some fluids in him.”

River breathes out a sigh. “Thanks, Ev. I trust you two. Seriously, I know it sounds like I’m questioning your ability to take care of Lake, but I didn’t mean it that way. You three are just still so new and trying to figure out your relationship. So, at least for now, I think I know Lake the best out of anyone, and I don’t mind making that decision if you need me to.”

“I know. I get it. He’s your brother. You two have been through some shit together. I appreciate how much you care for and love him.”


There’s an awkward pause after that, and I’m not sure where to go next. Then I remember River probably called for a reason. “Did you need to speak to Lake? I can see if he's up for it.”

“Nah, I called to give him shit about not telling me about Logan knotting him, but now I’ll feel bad if I do.”

I laugh. “Oh, shit, I totally forgot we didn’t say anything. I guess you found out from Cooper.”

“Yes . . .,” River replied indignantly. You can hear the pout in his voice. “And then I felt it for myself later that night.”

It takes me a minute to process what he’s saying. And then, once I do, I feel awkward as shit. Gods, I barely know River. I do not feel comfortable talking about his sex life. Now I understand how Logan felt when he spoke to Cooper yesterday. It’s weird, man.

Having no idea what to say, I just reply, “Oh, really?”

River bursts out laughing. “Ok, sorry. TMI. I’m so used to my best friend Cam who wants every freaking detail. Sorry, man.”

“It’s fine. It just took me by surprise.”

“I get it. Well, I know Logan said you guys were gonna call Dr. Rooke, but I’m guessing that’s low on your priorities now. I’ll call him this morning and let you know what he says.”

“Thanks, River.”

“Sure. Keep an eye on Lake. Let me know how he’s feeling and if you need my help.”

I start to hear a baby crying in the background. “Shit, Miri’s crying. I need to go.”

“No problem. Thanks, River. I’ll tell Lake you called.”

“Sounds good. Bye.” River hangs up without another word.

Shaking my head, I turn back to the bathroom, and what I see simultaneously breaks my heart and makes me fall even deeper in love. Logan is sitting on the floor with his back against the cool tile of the wall and his legs splayed out straight in front of him. Lake is sitting on his lap with his face buried into Logan’s chest and his arms wrapped around his torso. Logan has one arm around Lake’s body, his hand caressing up and down Lake’s back.

Logan looks up when he sees me, a question in his eyes. I go and sit down next to them, resting against Logan, and join him in massaging Lake. “That was River,” I tell them both. Lake’s eyes are open and watching me, so I know he’s listening.

“Was he mad I didn’t tell him about the knot?” I chuckle. The two brothers know each other so well.

“I think at first, but his concern for you overrode that.” I hesitate, but then I figure I may as well tell them the rest. “And I guess Cooper had a similar experience to you, Lo, last night, but I didn’t get any details.”

Lake’s eyes widen while Logan laughs. “Was that conversation as awkward as mine was?”

“Yeah, it was weird as fuck. Thankfully, River didn’t elaborate.”

“I’ll call him later,” Lake mutters weakly.

“I’m sure he’ll like that. Do you think Logan can get you back in bed, baby? I want to try to get some liquid in you. Maybe a little tea?”

Lake nods into Logan’s chest. “Yeah, I think I can. I can’t miss work today, so hopefully I can get a couple hours of rest.”