His expression is serious when I do look up at him. “Do you all have to leave already? Food’s not ready.”
He smiles and kisses the top of my head. His hand runs through my strands before gripping them in a sturdy hold. “No, not yet. But they asked me to go upstairs so we can get briefed. And I need to get changed.” He waves his hand toward Heather, indicating her outfit. “Oh, they’d like you up there as well,” he tells her.
“Ok, no problem. Do you mind? Sorry for leaving this to you.”
I wave away the apology. “Don’t worry about it. You guys go. I’ll finish this up.”
Logan kisses me again, unhurried despite the urgency of the situation, before leaving.
The food is done and plated by the time everyone starts clamoring down the stairs. While Heather is right, and there are a few of the small team that politely decline, most are more than enthusiastic to get down some decent food before heading out. I’m under the impression there’s a lot of caffeine-fueled meals and takeout in most of their lives, and I automatically start thinking of ways I can help them with that. Then I realize I’m being ridiculous. I’m not the fucking soccer mom to a bunch of special agents. I’ll probably never see any of them again.
Lake and Logan are two of the last down the stairs. We take our bowls of spaghetti and walk out onto the back porch to get some time alone. The porch is facing the bay, which is about fifty feet away from the house. There’s a private deck with one of those small motorboats attached to it. There’s no furniture on the deck, so the three of us take a seat on the steps, Lake with just a little bit of difficulty.
He rests his bowl on the top of his belly and rubs the top of the swell, looking uncomfortable. “Are you ok, sweetheart?”
Lake nods. “Yeah, the baby has been kicking me nonstop all day. I think he senses my tension.”
That makes sense. I did read something about that. I take Lake’s hand and squeeze. “We’re almost done, and then you’ll be able to relax.”
His tight smile reminds me that even if the mission is successful, it’s probably not the end for Lake. I wonder how insubordination is handled in his agency, but I’m too afraid to ask.
The wind is brutal, making it feel a lot colder than it is, but I still prefer being out here and spending some alone time with my mates rather than being squished in that crowded house.
We don’t talk about the mission, or the kids, or what this may mean for us. Instead, we talk about the ridiculous names that Zoe and Avery are considering for the baby and about Miri’s first birthday party that is coming up soon. Lake catches us up on the latest with his dad’s “friend” Joel. Apparently, Luke still hasn’t admitted that they are more than that, though we all know it’s true. It’s been months since that New Year’s party, and every time we’ve seen Luke, he talks about Joel nonstop. He seems like a good man, and he makes Luke happy, so I’m not sure what the guy’s hesitation is. And apparently, neither does River, and it’s annoying the crap out of him. Which, in turn, is annoying Lake because his brother keeps nagging him about it.
Even with the upcoming danger lingering in the background, it feels so good to catch up like this. With everything going on, we’ve had very little time to be like this, just with each other. I would love to do this one day with them without anything hanging over our heads.
Unfortunately, our peace doesn’t last forever, and Heather comes out to tell Lake and Logan they’re needed inside.
It’s a flurry of activity after that, and I do my best just to stay out of the way. I’m hoping I may be able to help Lake with something after they leave, but right now, I know it’s best for me to just let the experts do their thing. They’re already worried about Logan, since he doesn’t have the same kind of training. I don’t need to cause issues as well.
Eventually, they’re geared up and ready to go, and I’m suddenly terrified. Seeing Logan in tactical hear is hot as fuck, yes, but also horrifying. Every terrible scenario is zipping through my brain at warp speed, and I can’t seem to settle it.
And then Lake is holding my hand while Logan’s arms are around me, grounding me.
“Fuck, Lo. I’m so scared.”
Logan kisses the top of my head. “Yeah, I am too, babe. I can’t explain it, but I have this feeling I need to go, though. I can’t stay here. I’m sorry.”
I nod into his chest, clutching the back of his black, long-sleeve shirt like my life depends on it with one hand while the other squeezes the life out of Lake’s hand. It’s taking everything in me to hold back the tears, but I don’t want Logan worrying about me and not focusing on the mission.
“I know. I get it. Please don’t worry about me.” I look up at him, hoping my eyes are dry enough. “I’m fine. I promise. Please do what you need to do, but be smart about it, and come back to us.”
Logan kisses both of us and palms Lake’s bump. “I will. I promise.”I try not to flinch. I know he can’t promise that, but I’m grateful for it anyway.”
Everyone is ready to go, so we say our last goodbyes, and Logan goes off with the team. Lake wastes no time as soon as they are out the door, huffing himself up the stairs and calling out to the other tech guy. I follow him at a much more leisurely pace, not quite ready to face the reality of the situation.
By the time I get upstairs to where Lake has set up a makeshift office, I’ve pushed my worry down and I’m ready to do whatever I can to make sure my man comes back in one piece, hopefully with twelve children who will never get their innocence back.
By the time I force myself up the stairs, Lake is already hard at work with the other agent, Donnelly. I’m not even sure if they notice me as I slide in the bedroom turned office. Coming over to Lake, I run my thumb along of the side of his neck, alerting him of my presence. Lake’s eyes flick briefly up to me before training back onto the screen.
“Is it ok if I stay up here, sweetheart? I promise I’ll stay out of the way. I just don’t think I can sit downstairs twiddling my thumbs with no idea what’s going on.”
Lake’s chin tips down, his only indication he hears me. “That’s fine. Just don’t be offended if I ignore you. It’s not intentional. I just zone out when I’m in the middle of something like this.”