Grinning, I stand up. “Thank you, sergeant. I’ll let you know when I’m leaving.”

Sgt. Ramsey nods once. I take that as dismissal and start to leave but he stops me. “One more thing. You have my personal number, Logan. Use it if you need it.”

I’m speechless as I manage a shake of my head and quickly leave. I expected him to cooperate with my time off, but I’m shocked by his offer. By telling me to use his personal number, he’s telling me he’s aware I may not be doing something sanctioned by the department and he’s ok with it. It’s also opening him up in a more personal way than I’ve ever seen before.

I find my partner and quickly tell her I may be gone for a few days. I know she knows something more is going on, but she doesn’t say anything. I consider enlightening her but decide against it. The less people who know, the better. I finish up any last-minute paperwork and make sure I have nothing up that will bring questions to me.

After I’m pretty much caught up, I realize there’s still a little less than an hour in this two-hour wait. Ev just texted that he’s on his way back and is bringing food, so I decide to take a shower in the locker room since I have no idea what will be in store for me. When I’m done, I make sure my service piece is ready to go and loaded, and then I meet Ev outside for some dinner.

As soon as I sit on the steps next to my man, he shoves a sub at me. “Here, eat. Who knows when you’ll have a chance. Maybe I should text Lake and remind him to eat too? He tends to forget when he’s working, and he especially can’t now.”

Smiling, I lean over and kiss Ev. He tastes like sweet peppers and oil and vinegar from his Italian sub. Eyes lit up with humor, Ev looks up at me. In between his feet on the steps are two small duffel bags—one for each of us.

“What was that for?”

“Just that I can’t get over how amazing you are. Most partners would be balking at this whole situation and running the other way. Instead, you pack us bags, bring me food, and are taking care of Lake and me in every way you can.”

Ev tilts his head back, like he’s trying to get some sun. Too bad it’s dusk and not at all sunny. “What can I say? I’ve always been ride or die, Lo. I’m a caretaker by nature, and it’s not in me to bail at the first sign of trouble.” He tilts his head toward me, his smile mischievous. “Sorry, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”

Rolling my eyes, I throw a chip at him. “Shut up. You know I’m not trying to get rid of you. In fact, I won’t let you go even if you want me to.”

That’s probably not true. If Ev really wants to leave, I’ll let him. Maybe. But even thinking about it makes me feel like I’m being ripped in two, so I can only hope it never comes to that.

Ev doesn’t seem bothered by my possessive statement. He takes my hand and squeezes. “Good. I’m not letting you or Lake go either.”

Just as we finish up our dinner, my phone rings. For a moment, neither Ev nor I breathe. I’m reluctant to even pick it up, but I know it’s Lake.

After the third ring, I finally answer.


“Logan, if, hypothetically, a car comes to pick you up in front of the station in ten minutes, will you be ready to go?”

I chuckle, the whole situation out of control. I’m a cop, not a fucking spy. “Yes, I will be ready for the hypothetical car. By the way, Ev is coming. He refuses to stay home.”

“Damn fucking right,” Ev says into the phone. I don’t want to risk putting it on speaker, but Ev pushes his face close to mine so he can still mostly make out Lake’s words.

I’m surprised Lake doesn’t seem phased. “I already told the driver to expect both of you. I’ll meet you at the airport.”

I tense. “Lake, you know you can’t go with us, right? I hate to be this person, but you’re too far along in the pregnancy.”

“Be careful what you say. Our lines should be secure, but you never know. I will only be taking the trip with you but not doing the hike. I already set up guides for you.”

I assume the hike will be whatever he’s expecting of me when we get there. I can’t quite hide my nerves. I have some training, but nothing like what I think I’ll need for this. Too late to worry about it now.

“Are we going to get more information, Little Bird? Or only clues.”

“I’ll tell you everything on the plane, both of you.” Lake hesitates, sounding unsure suddenly. “I-I’m sorry. I know this is frustrating.”

“No,” I interrupt him. “I won’t lie. I’m frustrated, but I also know you’re doing everything you can. No apologies for this trip, ok?”

I hear the relief in Lake’s voice. “Ok. I have to go, but I will see you shortly.”

“Wait, how will we know it’s the right car?”

“Oh, right. The driver will say, ‘If you do your best each and every day,’ and you’ll reply with, ‘Good things are sure to come your way.’”

The quote sounds vaguely familiar but I can’t place it. Beside me, Ev snorts. “Are we seriously quotingThe Princess and the Frogto start a secret mission?”