I let Raine’s words sink in. She’s right. It’s not the first time we’ve had something like this. It’s the first time it’s my mate sending the information to me, but shh, we don’t need to mention that. I never put it into perspective like that though. I think about how many times Lake has had to watch as victims weren’t rescued and were tortured until they could take down the entire organization. Probably too fucking many. The police department isn’t perfect. The NYPD has it’s issues like everyone else, but I’d choose them over the feds every single time.
“Ok, so here’s what he sent. They were encoded, which was fun, and there is a message directly for you.”
“Is it another fucking riddle?” I grumble. Because if it is, I’m gonna edge the hell out of Lake next time we fuck. In fact, I might just keep taking him right to that breaking point over and over . . . but never let him cross . . . That might be fun. Maybe we’ll do that even if this isn’t a riddle.
Raine just sighs like I’m the dumbest fucker she’s ever met. Which, honestly, is probably true. Raine is smart as hell and is probably way too smart for this department. “No, it was actual code. But I already solved it for you.”
“Thank gods.” Ev chuckles, that little shit. “What does it say?”
“All it says is,24 hours, detective. And some coordinates. And then these recordings.” Raine’s bright-blue eyes flick with concern. “Just be prepared, detective, these aren’t pretty.”
I set my resolve and force myself to look at the images as they pop up on Raine’s screen. I owe it to this little boy currently enduring this torture. As image after image flashes across the screen, I refuse to look away, but I hear Ev gagging next to me.
“Oh gods, excuse me.” Ev bolts out of the room, and I’m sure I’ll find him in the bathroom later. I feel sick myself, but I swallow it down. A large part of me wants to go after Ev, but I know I can’t right now. I’ll check on him in a bit.
Swallowing down my own disgust, I ask Raine, “Have we checked these coordinates?”
“Of course I have. I do know how to do my job, detective.”
I smile and shake my head. “Sorry, shouldn’t have doubted you. Where are they?”
Raine types some more into her computer and satellite images pop up of what, I believe, might be an island. “It’s this tiny island off the coast of South Carolina. It’s not on any maps.”
I suck in a breath. “And that’s where they’re keeping Rory?”
Raine nods. “It sure looks that way.”
I run my hand through my hair. “Fuck.” What the fuck does Lake want me to do with this information? It’s not like I can go guns cocked to this island and rescue the kid. I would in a heartbeat, but I’d just end up dead along with most of the victims. Giving this information to the FBI would just cause way too many uncomfortable questions that I really don’t want to answer, but I’m not sure what else to do at this point.
“Do me a favor and don’t show this to anyone else for right now, ok?”
Raine nods. “Of course.”
“Thanks. I owe you, Raine.”
She grins. “Just bring me one of those meatball subs from that place you always stop at next time.”
I can’t help but smile despite the stress building up inside me. “No problem.” I pull out my phone. “I gotta make a few phone calls. I’ll let you know what to do with that in a bit.”
Raine waves at me distractedly, already back on her next project. It reminds me so much of Lake.
Walking out of her office, I nearly crash into Ev, who’s pacing the hallway, looking sickly.
“Oh, I’m sorry . . .,” he mutters, not even realizing it’s me.
I grab his shoulders, forcing him to face me. I should’ve never let him inside that room. He doesn’t need to see that stuff. It’s bad enough that Lake and I will be haunted by this shit for the rest of our lives. I don’t want Ev to have to deal with that too. He may be covered in tattoos and piercings, but Ev is our light. He’s the bright spot, the sunshine, our safe place, and he deserves to be that.
“Ev, baby, it’s me, Logan.”
Ev looks up at me with unfocused eyes. I bring him closer and hold his gaze. Eventually, he blinks, and I see when he recognizes me. “Fuck, Lo. I’m sorry.
My arms tighten around him, and I push his head against my chest. “Don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing. You should’ve never seen that.”
Ev breathes in deep, like he’s trying to inhale my scent, before looking up at me. “No, don’t try to shield this part of your life from me. If that little boy can survive that, I can look at some images. I can handle it.”
“I know, love, but you shouldn’t have to. Fuck, nobody should.” I falter. “I don’t know what to do, Ev. I don’t know what Lake wants me to do with this. I can’t go to the FBI; they will ask too many questions. I can’t go on my own. I’d never make it out. I wish he could give me more than a few riddles.”
“Have you tried calling Lake yet?”