I kiss his shoulder. “Yes, we got all your favorites stocked up. Your favorite snacks too.”

Lake sniffs again, but this time it’s more like a cry. “I-I don’t understand. Why?”

I stop washing him and turn Lake so that he’s looking directly at me. “What do you mean? What don’t you understand?”

“Just, why would you do all of that for me? I’ve been gone so much longer than I thought. And I’ve been distant, snappy. I’ve barely had a chance to speak to either of you.”

I cup Lake’s face. I can see all the fear, doubt, and uncertainty in his eyes, and I realize with a wave of terror that he thought Logan and I were going to leave him. Or at the very least, push him out. “Lake, we love you. You and Logan are my world, and I think it’s safe to say Logan feels the same way. Yes, this last month and a half fucking sucked, and we have a lot to discuss, but we’re not walking away. What we have is the real deal. You don’t just walk away from that at the first sign of trouble. It might be a little rough for a while, but we’ll talk, and cuddle, and then talk some more until everything is aired out, and then move on. And Logan and I will never, ever stop caring for and about you. Part of that is making sure all of your things are stocked up so that when you come back, this will feel like your home too.”

Lake melts into me, and his shoulders are shaking. I can’t tell if he’s crying again or just emotional. Fuck, I’m so anxious to know what happened when he was gone.

It’s not the easiest washing a full-grown man when his entire body weight is resting against you, but I somehow manage. When I get him out of the shower and both of us dried off, I lead us back to the bedroom. I go to get his sleep clothes out of his drawer and decide against it. I have a feeling he needs to feel his mates close to him. All of the research I’ve been doing lately says that smells were a huge thing in the past and may start again. So, I dig out one of Logan’s long-sleeve shirts and another pair of my sweatpants.

Lake is more of a participant with getting dressed than he was getting naked. He’s watching me like a hawk but doesn’t say anything about my choice of clothing for him. Once he’s dressed, I bring him to the bed and tuck him in. “Let me get you a glass of water and then we can cuddle.”

“Thank you,” Lake whispers, his voice hoarse from crying.

I kiss his lips gently before leaving. Once I’m in the kitchen, I give myself a moment to compose myself. It’s hurting me to see Lake look so rough, and I wish I knew what to do to help him. I pull out a glass from the cabinet and fill it from the dispenser on the fridge. It was one of the selling points of this apartment for me, that the fridge has a water and ice dispenser on it. It’s the little things.

Before I go in the room, I check my phone and see Logan texted me back.

Lo:I’m sorry, baby. We just got a hit on the DNA on Anthony Ruiz’s body. I’m going to be a while. I’m so fucking sorry. Give Lake a kiss from me. I love you.”

Fuck. Lake needs Logan. I need Logan. But what can I say? So instead, I say nothing and just respond with:Be safe. Love you too. We’ll be here when you get back.

Shoving my phone in my pocket, I grab the water and head back in the room. I half expected Lake to be asleep, but his eyes are open and following me as I come and sit next to him and hand him the glass.

“Here, Lake, go ahead and drink some. I don’t want you to get dehydrated.”

Lake greedily drinks the water like he hasn’t had any in days, and I’m wondering if he’s been taking care of himself. I know he tends to forget to eat and drink when he gets deep into work, and I hope there’s someone looking after him when he’s gone.

Once three quarters of the glass is empty, Lake puts it on the nightstand. “Thank you, Evander. I’m sorry for being so needy. I didn’t expect to react like this.”

I crawl under the covers with Lake and snuggle in close. He says he’s needy, but I feel the same way. Suddenly, I can’t get close enough. I pull him to me, so close that’s there’s no space in between, and nestle my nose in his soft red hair. Gods, I’m so fucking glad we bought his body wash and shampoo. If Lake didn’t smell like himself now, I think I might’ve lost it. I need the reminder that he’s home and safe as much as he does.

Neither of us say anything for a while, too busy just remembering how the other one feels. My hands automatically find his tiny baby bump, keeping the question unspoken.

Finally, Lake speaks, his voice so quiet, I have to strain to hear him. “I thought I lost the baby when I was gone. I-I was so scared. But they are healthy. It was just some spotting. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life.”

I can’t even find the words to comfort Lake. All the scenarios that have been racing through my brain since Lake showed up sobbing at the apartment come charging to the forefront. The baby may not be mine, but just the thought of losing them leaves me unmoored and terrified. I already feel like this baby is one of us and am insanely protective of them. I don’t know what I would have done if he lost it. And gods, poor Avery and Zoe.

I hold Lake tighter, wishing I could feel the baby move, even if I know it’s too early. I need that reassurance. “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that alone, sweetheart.” I kiss the spot between his neck and shoulder. “But you’re home now. The baby is safe. I’m sure the doctor there was right, and everything is good, but if you want, we can still call your doctor and make an appointment here just so we can all be reassured the baby is fine.”

I can feel Lake nodding. “Yes. I think Avery and Zoe will appreciate that as well. I haven’t told them yet. I didn’t want them to panic when I was still stuck away.”

“That makes sense.”

“I’m sorry I was so distant. I missed you and Logan so much. It wasn’t that I wanted to stay away, I promise.”

I feel the last bit of tension I’m carrying melt away. Deep down, I did know this, but it’s still good to hear. “I know, baby. We understand. You’re exhausted. Get some rest. We’ll talk about everything tomorrow when Logan gets back.”

“Yes, ok. I am really tired. I love you, Evander.”

I kiss his neck again. “I love you too, Lake. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Lake’s voice is already distant, like he’s drifting off, and sure enough, a minute or so later, I hear his soft snores as he sleeps.