“I’m sorry I sprung this on you like that, but really, I don’t even know what’s going on myself.”
“Dad, it’s ok. You’re allowed to have a private life,” Essie responds first. “We didn’t mean to imply otherwise. It’s just a bit of a shock.”
Luke leans against the counter, looking exhausted. “It’s a shock for me too. I never thought I’d be interested in anyone again after your mother. I won’t lie. It’s shaking me up a bit.”
“Dad, we know you loved Mom, but it’s been fifteen years. It’s ok to move on. You know we all just want you to be happy.”
Lake nods once in agreement. “Did you know you liked men as well?”
River rolls his eyes and looks up at the ceiling, exasperated, while I try not to laugh. Luke smiles affectionately at his son. “I’m not sure I am, honestly. I feel something for Joel, but I’ve never felt like that about a man before or had any type of attraction toward them.”
“That’s kind of how it was for me too.” I speak up. After all, I get where Luke’s coming from. It’s a shock after believing you only like women for thirty something years to suddenly be in love with two dudes. And Luke is even older than me. “I never had any type of attraction to men before. Even knowing Ev half my life, it wasn’t until very recently that I felt anything more than brotherly affection.”
Ev looks up at me lovingly and squeezes my hand.
“I’m not sure how I feel about Joel. It’s still very new. And with the holidays, we haven’t had the chance to spend a lot of time together.”
“You like being with him, right?” River asks. “I don’t mean sexually, just spending time with him.”
Luke smiles, his expression getting all dopey. “I do. I thought I’d hate that group, and I’ll admit I only went to humor you and Lake, but Joel and I hit it off right away.”
“And he knows you’ve never been with a man before and is willing to be patient while you figure out your feelings?”
Luke tilts his head. “Yes. He’s been extremely understanding and patient. I just—you don’t think I’m too old to be doing this, do you?”
I’ve never seen Luke seem so vulnerable. Usually, he comes off as unflappable to me, and even though both Lake and River seem worried about him, as an outsider who doesn’t know him as well, it wasn’t as obvious to me. Now, I can see how insecure the man is.
The siblings don’t answer immediately. Then, as one, they all engulf their dad in a hug. Even Lake seems to know that’s exactly what their dad needs right now.
I feel a light touch on my arm and look over to Ev as he jerks his head back to the living room. He glances at Cooper, who is also just hovering near us. “Let’s give them some space.”
In agreement, Cooper and I follow Ev out of the kitchen. Someone has turned the TV onto the ball drop. We take a seat on the floor and cuddle each other. There’s only about five minutes till midnight and the host is getting everyone hyped for the new year. I never understood the excitement of the ball drop. Back in my patrol days, it was a fucking nightmare dealing with Times Square. I’m so glad I don’t have to be out there freezing my ass off and managing crowds anymore.
With just a minute to spare, Lake and the rest of his family join us. Essie and River both have wet eyes and blotchy faces, and even Lake looks emotional. I open my arms up to him and he immediately plops down into my and Ev’s embrace. “Everything ok?” I whisper to him.
“Yes, I think so. What did you think about Joel?” he asks me, watching my face intently. I understand he’s not asking me as his boyfriend, but as a cop. He wants to know what my instincts said about the guy who may be dating his father.
“I liked him. A lot, actually. I can look into him if you want, but my first instinct says he’s a good guy.”
Lake settles into my chest. “Ok, good. I thought the same. And no, don’t run anything yet. My dad specifically asked me not to dig into him just now and to trust him. I think it’s safe to assume that applies to you as well.”
I smile and rest my chin on Lake’s hair. He smells so fucking good. “Yes, I think so too.”
“Thirty seconds to midnight!” someone calls out.
“I got the champagne!” someone else yells. And then it’s a mad dash of handing out plastic champagne flutes and rushing to pour everyone some of the bubbly. Even in the chaos, a ginger ale manages to get shoved into Lake’s hand instead of the champagne. We all have our drinks just in time for the host on the TV to shout “Ten!”
Everyone in the room with us gets into it, and we’re all counting down. “Three, two, one! Happy New Year!”
Cheers ring out around us, but I waste no time. We don’t coordinate it at all, but all three of us reach out at the same time in a sloppy three-way kiss. I lose focus of the room and other people around us. All I see is Lake and Ev.
“I love you both so fucking much,” Ev mutters into our mouths.
“I love you too,” both Lake and I say at the exact same time, and then we begin laughing.
“Happy New Year, Little Bird. Happy New Year, babe,” I tell my two mates.
They both respond in kind before we begin making out again. By the time we come up for air, the room has cleared out and everyone has moved on, but I’m still a little high on that kiss. If that’s any indication on how the new year will be, I think it will be fucking amazing.