“Makes sense.”

We see River and Cooper once we’re past the entryway and into the main home. I remember them saying they got a babysitter, and they seem to be taking advantage of that. River is speaking to an older woman I’ve never seen before, a wine glass in his hand. Cooper is leaning against the island countertop that separates the smaller front living area from the kitchen. He and Essie seem deep into a conversation. Other people I don’t recognize are sitting on the couch or mingling.

We say our hellos and get drinks. Well, Ev and I do, while Lake drinks ginger ale. Apparently, the woman is a neighbor who used to watch the Simmons kids when they were young, and she immediately wraps Lake into a hug before roping him into a conversation. Ev and I wander. We eventually see Luke, who seems distracted. He greets us with a distant smile, but his gaze keeps drifting toward the front door.

“Waiting for someone?” I ask. I’m not sure who it could be. His whole family is already here. Luke startles and chuckles nervously, running his hand through his dark hair, the move so Lake, it makes me laugh. They may not be biologically related, but it’s obvious who raised him.

“What? Oh, no. Um, well, probably not.” I look over at Ev, who shrugs. I’ve never seen Luke so flustered. His phone must’ve buzzed or something because he suddenly pulls it out of the back pocket of his worn jeans. He’s distracted, reading something with a soft smile on his face.

I’m not sure what to do. Do we just walk away? Luke suddenly remembers that we’re standing there and looks up, appearing sheepish. “Sorry about that. Um, I’ll catch up with you two later?”

“Uh, sure.”Luke waves absentmindedly and walks away, his face back in his phone.

“What was that about?” I ask Ev.

“I have no idea. He seems . . . distracted.”

“Yeah, that’s one way to put it.”I take Ev’s hand and we make our way to the main party area toward the back. This is where most of the guests are hanging and where all the food is. I know that River and Essie had come earlier in the day and decorated the place, and it looks like a Party City vomited all over, but it kind of works.

It’s nearing midnight when River and Essie come bursting into the room. The three of us, along with a few others, disappeared into the finished basement to play games. Lake reached his socialization quota and needed some time away from the chaos. Both River and Essie are wide-eyed with flushed cheeks, and honestly, this is the first time I can truly see the resemblance between the twins and their sister.

I’m on my feet in an instant, on alert. My hand automatically goes to my side for my weapon, which of course isn’t there. “What’s wrong?”

The siblings ignore me and beeline right to Lake. “Oh, my gods, Lake, you have to come upstairs right now,” River practically yells. He sounds out of breath, like he’s been running.

Now Lake looks concerned as he puts his cards down on the coffee table in front of him. I glance at Ev, and he looks as confused and concerned as the rest of us.

“What happened?” Lake asks, but he’s already following his siblings. Without even thinking about it, both Ev and I stand up and follow the three of them toward the basement stairs.

“Dad’sfriendjust showed up.”

Really, that’s what the panic is for? Who cares if he has a friend come to his party? Then it clicks how Essie emphasized the word friend. Oh . . . do they think it’s that kind of friend?

Lake clearly doesn’t pick up on it and pauses on the bottom step, his eyes squinting in annoyance. “Ok . . . I don’t understand.”

River sighs, his hands on his hips. “You need to see them to understand, but I’m pretty sure this is more than just a friend, if you know what I mean.”

River is staring at Lake pointedly, waiting for him to understand. I can see the moment when it dawns on him what his brother means as his eyes widen to the size of saucers. “Wait, you think Dad has a girlfriend? Has he ever dated anyone since Mom died?”

Essie is bouncing up and down on her toes, her wild auburn hair all over the place. By the redness in her eyes, I think she may have had a little too much to drink. “No!” She’s basically yelling, but I can tell she’s not upset. All three of them seem excited, which is good. At least that’s one minefield we won’t have to worry about.

Ev is standing on the other side of Lake with a small smile on his face. I know he’s thinking about how strangely Luke was acting when we first got here. At least that makes sense if he was waiting for his girlfriend to come.

Clearly losing his patience, River grabs his brother’s hand and begins to drag him up the stairs. “Just, come on. You really need to see for yourself.”

Lake glances back at us, and I shrug at him. I have no idea what’s going on either, but I am fucking curious now. Essie and River practically drag Lake up the stairs, and, unable to help ourselves, Ev and I follow.

They lead us around most of the party guests, who are now converging in the living room since it’s close to midnight, and then through to the kitchen. Cooper is leaning against the wall looking partly exasperated and partly curious.

He rolls his eyes when he sees us. “They’re still in the kitchen. Am I done with my stalking duties now?”

I burst out laughing. “River left you to watch them while he got Lake?”

Cooper sighs. “Yes. And since I’m the best fiancé ever, I humored him.”

River rolls his eyes again, but he leans over and kisses Cooper. “Thank you, baby. You know I love you.”

Cooper engulfs River in his arms. “I know. I love you too.”