This would be a perfect time to tell them I’ll be going away right after the new year starts. Instead, I agree and join the conversation of what we need in a shared apartment. Between River’s engagement and us deciding to move in together, there’s too much happiness to taint it with the news of me going away for a while. I always planned on telling them tomorrow, and this does not change my feelings.



Icontinue to shave my face as I watch Ev and Lake get ready behind me through the mirror, trying to ignore the pit of nerves forming in my stomach. Ever since the day after Christmas, when Lake informed us he needs to travel again for work, there’s been a little niggle of worry in my mind. It’s nothing I can truly place or put words to, but the trip just feels wrong to me. My instincts are screaming at me to not let Lake go, but I can’t exactly do that. So, I just keep pushing down the nerves and try to enjoy the week together before he leaves.

Part of it is probably how little information he can give us. I’m a cop. I thrive on getting all the facts. A large part of my job is just sifting through evidence and getting all the information that I can. When it comes to Lake’s profession, though, that’s just not possible. I have to learn to be satisfied with the bare minimum, but it’s setting my nerves on edge.

I have newfound respect for Ev and how he manages to deal with both of us. I could tell he wasn’t happy when Lake informed us he’d be leaving for an undisclosed country for an undisclosed amount of time with no real answer on how often and when he’d be able to speak to us, but he’s so much better at not showing it. All those Alpha instincts that are apparently awakening inside me wanted me to grab Lake, throw him over my shoulder, and lock him in the bedroom until he came to his senses. Luckily, the modern, liberal, 21st-century man won out and all I did was kiss my man and tell him to contact us as soon as he could.

It’s been nearly a week since that conversation, and it’s finally New Year’s Eve. We spent as much of the week together as possible, and looked for a new place for us. I have no idea how we managed it, but somehow, we found an apartment all three of us agreed on that’s still in the city, but in a safe area, and is a reasonable commute to all of our jobs, Mr. C’s house, and Lake’s family’s homes. It’s getting harder to deny that there’s such a thing as fate when things like this keep happening because honestly, in this market, and with three very different people, what are the chances?

Since Lake will be gone, our new landlord agreed to allow us to sign the lease early, but we won’t be moving in till mid-January. Both Ev and I put in our notices to our old places and have started to pack up. Lake is keeping his place until he gets back so we don’t have to worry about moving all his stuff while he’s gone. I think a large part of that is that he doesn’t trust us not to mess up his computers. Not that I blame him.

I smile and let my tension melt away as Ev comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses my shoulder. “You ok, baby? You look stressed.”

I shrug and glance back in the mirror at Lake, who’s currently buttoning up a turquoise button-down shirt. “I’m fine, just thinking.”

Ev seems to understand what I’m talking about and rests his head against my shoulder. It feels right. “He’ll be ok, Logan. This isn’t his first trip, and it won’t be his last.”

I grunt my disapproval. I understand this, but it doesn’t make me any happier about the damn situation. “I know. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“No, but you do need to support him. And you can’t let him leave and go to gods know what country thinking you’re upset with him for doing his job.”

I grunt again as I rinse off my razor. “I know. I’m trying.”

Ev kisses my freshly shaved face. “I know you are. It’s a new experience for you, being on this side. I get it. But he’s not leaving for another two days. Let’s try to enjoy this party and our time together.”

Sighing, I allow myself to relax back into his embrace. “Yeah, ok. You’re right.”

“I know I am. Now get dressed. We’re gonna be late.”

I smile back at him. “I love you.”

Ev’s expression turns serious. His thumb caresses my lip. “I love you too.” We both bask in the moment before Ev finally turns away and goes back into the bedroom to finish getting ready. Luke is having a big New Year’s party at his home, and we’ll all be going. Ev even invited Zach and Alex from work. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones to have some fun in the office during the holiday party. I don’t know all the details, but from what Ev was able to gather, Alex and Zach had an insta-lust moment that led to some dirty times in Alex’s office and has morphed into a budding relationship. Can’t say I’m surprised after the way those two were staring at each other at the party. I’m happy to see that things look to be going well for them.

Lake looks up at us and smiles, his eyes lightening as he sees us. Immediately, all the tension and the anger I was trying to hide melts away at the sight of him. He’s worth whatever stress and anxiety I’ll have when he travels. He and Ev are worth everything.

“Are you two almost ready?” Lake asks. The only thing he hates more than social situations is being late for social situations.

“Yup, just about.” Ev gives him a kiss before making his way to the closet. I follow suit, both with kissing Lake and then going to the closet. The thing is a disorganized mismatch of all three of our clothes. Well, mostly mine and Ev’s. Lake keeps his stuff separate from our chaos. The new apartment will have two big walk-in closets in the master bedroom. Ev and I are planning on sharing one and Lake will get the other.

Lake sticks his thumbs inside his waistband and pulls, looking down. “I think my pants are starting to get tight,” he states matter-of-factly.

“Well, that’s going to happen, Little Bird,” I tell him. I can’t tell if he’s upset by it or just stating facts.

“Oh, I’m aware. I wasn’t sure if it would start this early, especially since I can’t eat much. River showed early, but I don’t think it was quite this early.”

Ev wraps Lake up in a hug. “Sweetheart, you’re not showing yet. Even if you were, you’d look sexy as hell.”

Lake’s cheeks flush so they’re the same color as his hair. I fucking love when that happens. He just looks too adorable. He waves off the comment though. “Hurry up, you two. I’m going to wait in the main room so I don’t distract you.”

I bark out a laugh and watch Lake’s round ass as he walks out. He’s wrong. He’s still a distraction, even when he’s leaving. Even so, Ev and I manage to get our asses ready and out the door.

The house is already crowded by the time we get there. “I didn’t think your dad knew this many people,” I tell Lake as we walk up the front path. We can already hear the music blaring from the pathway.

“I think he invited some of the people from the shop and they brought their families. Plus, some of the neighbors. He’s lived in this same neighborhood since River and I were small, so he became friendly with a lot of them.”