The thought shocks me. I don’t want children. Being an uncle is more than enough, right? Evander and Logan have also never expressed an interest in having kids of their own but seeing them with Miri has me questioning that. I force myself to push that thought out of my head and focus on today. We’re still so new and have to figure out our own dynamic before worrying about adding anything else to it. Besides, it will be a while before I can have another child anyway, so there is no point worrying myself over it now.
Evander seems to sense me watching him, and he looks up at me and smiles, though there’s a little concern in his expression. I force myself to smile back. There is no way I am expressing my thoughts to him right now, especially in front of my family.
Besides my errant thoughts, the day has been wonderful. It’s amazing how much the last year has changed my perspective of things. I’m not sure if it’s the biological changes or just me maturing, but I realize how special I’m finding these moments where I can just be with my family.
We all are relaxing in the living room before the rest of their guests get here for dinner. Miri has been a little overwhelmed, but it was so sweet to see her exploring the presents and different textures of the paper and the boxes. It was also nice to see how much Evander’s father, Eric, fit in with the rest of the family. I know Evander was concerned he’d feel like an outsider, but he and Dad bonded and have been talking nonstop since he arrived.
The tree is lit up with colorful lights, and Christmas music is playing through the speakers. I’m sitting in the corner section of the sectional with Logan behind me, resting on his strong chest. I’m just about to doze off when Cooper clears his throat.
“I just want to say a couple things before everyone else gets here,” he says, his rumbly voice waking me up and causing me to pay attention.
Cooper is standing in the middle of the room. He’s wearing a charcoal-colored sweater with dark jeans and black boots and looming over us while we all sit around, wondering what he’s about to say. River is sitting in the oversized chair off to the side. He straightens up and tilts his head, clearly as confused as the rest of us.
“What’s going on, babe?” he asks Cooper.
Cooper turns his attention to River, his green eyes sparkling with intensity. “River, I know this last year has been a whirlwind for us. I never in a million years thought that my ex-boyfriend cheating on me would lead me here.” There’s a light chuckle that goes around the room. We all know the story by now.
“When Avery and Zoe forced me to go out that night, I thought it would just be a good way to let off some steam and keep myself from wallowing about what happened. I wasn’t looking for anyone, and I know you weren’t either.”
River is watching Cooper intently, his eyes never leaving his mate. Meanwhile, I keep scanning the room, trying to understand what’s happening. There’s this hushed silence as everyone is riveted by Cooper’s speech. Even Miri is quiet. Essie is practically vibrating with excitement, her hands clasped over her mouth. I feel like I’m missing a joke or something. What is going on?
“The minute I saw you, all of that changed. I knew you were something special from that very first conversation, and despite both of our best efforts to ignore that, I know now that it’s fate for us to be together.”
River is biting his bottom lip, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I know it was terrifying when you found out you were pregnant. I was scared too. But you, me, and Miri, we were meant to be. Everything happened the way it should, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Even the challenging times were worth it because it led me here, to this moment.”
There’s a collective gasp as Cooper walks up to River’s chair and then falls to one knee. It all clicks then what’s happening and why Essie is so excited. Even I know what this means. River is shaking, his mouth wide open as Cooper pulls something out of his back pocket.
“River, I love you, and I always will. It may have been fate that put us together, but even without that, I would choose you over and over again without fail. I want to spend each and every moment of the rest of my life with you. I want to celebrate the good times and hold each other up through the bad ones. I want to be at your side as Miri grows up and commiserate together through her angsty teenage years. I want to still be holding your hand when we’re old and sitting on wooden rocking chairs, watching our grandchildren play. I want to spend every day of the rest of my life showing you just how much I love you. So, River, will you marry me?”
Cooper pulls out a small box and opens it, holding it out to River. From this angle, it’s impossible to see inside, but I know it’s a ring. The tears are flowing freely from River’s eyes now. There’s a pause while everyone waits for a response, and then River launches himself at Cooper, wrapping his arms around the bigger man.
“Yes, yes. A thousand times yes. I love you too, Cooper. Gods, I love you so fucking much.”
The room breaks out in cheers. Eric is even smiling and clapping. Both Essie and Dad are crying as well. Logan wraps his arms tighter around me and kisses the top of my head. A loud cheer brings my attention back over to Dad, and I realize he’s holding his phone out. Cooper’s sister Casey is on FaceTime, wolf whistling and cheering for her brother and future brother-in-law.
Evander brings Miri over to her dads, who are both crying. They take their baby and start peppering the poor, confused child with kisses. We all give the happy couple hugs and congratulations before giving them some space to relish in their moment.
Logan stretches out his arms, drawing Evander and I close and leading us back to the corner spot in the sectional. “Come here, baby, join us.”
We all cuddle around each other, and I’m grateful River bought such a big couch. “That was beautiful,” he whispers to us.
I nod in agreement. “I never pegged Cooper for a romantic before.”
“Being in love does that sometimes,” Logan agrees. He seems to wrap us even tighter in his embrace. I remember how, not that long ago, I would’ve balked at being held so closely, typically needing space. Now, I can’t seem to get enough of their touch. I need to be close to them.
“Let’s move in together,” Evander says quietly. “Like officially. I’ve been looking at some places that are more centralized for us,” he admits sheepishly.
I smile and look up at him. “So have I.”
His grin is goofy. “Really?”
“Yes. it’s been quite frustrating bouncing from house to house.”
We both look up at Logan, who looks ecstatic. “Of course, I’m in. I’ve just been waiting for one of you to say something.”
Evander rolls his eyes. “Great, so what you’re saying is that we could’ve started this process weeks ago if we’d spoken up?”
Logan shrugs. “I guess. But we’ll look now. We can start this week and maybe move in at the beginning of the year.”