“Get going,” I snap. They both take off finally.
“You know if you don’t get yourself an old lady soon, people are going to start to think we’re together,” Arch teases me. He’s the last one to care what people have to say.
“You think I could land you?” I tease him right back.
“Maybe with the way your bank size keeps growing.” A bark of laughter comes from me that has people turning to look our way.
“You have your own money. Stay the hell away from mine.” I shake my head as my eyes scan the crowd, not seeing Copper anywhere. Something tingles at the back of my neck. At the same time, I can sense Arch’s mood change next to me.
We'd been in a lot of scary situations together when we were in the Marines. I don’t know what it is, but we have a way of being able to read each other without words. I don’t even have to be looking at him to feel a change in him. I immediately go on high alert, my eyes following his line of sight toward the main entrance of the club.
My eyes land on a tiny little thing with long, dark hair in a white frilly summer dress. She might be short, but my eyes trail down her toned legs to a pair of simple sneakers. Nothing about what she’s wearing screams for attention, but nonetheless she has all of mine.
She’s standing in front of Marks with her hands on her hips. Another girl that I know has to be with her stands behind her. She’s about the same height asmy girl.
“Blonde is mine,” Arch growls.
“What blonde?” I’m already in motion, heading toward my future wife.
The two innocent girls are going to get eaten alive. In a church they might blend in, but here in the middle of a full-blown party at an MC club, they stick out like a sore thumb. As I draw closer, I realize I’m wrong. My girl would stand out no matter where she was.
There is no missing that mane of dark hair that flows past her shoulders in silky waves. Or the bright green eyes that are almost too big for her face that make her look as though she were one of those porcelain dolls. The spray of freckles across her nose and cheeks lets me know she doesn't have a drop of makeup on either. It’s all natural beauty. She doesn’t even have to try. She’s perfect.
“Good response. I’d hate to have to kill you after all these years,” Arch says as we draw closer to the two girls that Marks is about to let into the devil's den. It’s then I realize Arch was referring to the girl standing behind mine.
Marks’ eyes roam all over my girl's chest, trying to steal a peek down the front of her dress. Anger fills me at the thought of him seeing what belongs to me and only me. She has a nice set of tits, but the dress is covering them except for a very small peek at the top that Marks is more than willing to try to take advantage of with his eyes. I’m about to remove them from his head.
I finally understand the wholeless is moresaying. Because even though my girl isn’t revealing a ton, I’ve never seen anything hotter on a woman in my life.
“I’ll handle this,” I say to Marks as I tap him on the back, letting him know to get lost. My stare never wavers from my girl. And when her gorgeous green eyes with the gold specks inside of them snap up to meet mine, I know then that I’ll never be the same. That this pretty little thing is going to own me for the rest of my life.
I’ve struck gold again.
As one scary man is pushed aside, another one takes his place. This one is bigger and way freaking hotter. Vee said this was going to be easy. That we’d be able to slip inside and blend in with the rest of the people.
It hasn’t worked out that way for us. While the others got to walk right in, we were stopped the second we stepped in the door by a big man in a black leather vest. The wordsRoad Captainwere written across it.
He easily towered over me, but most people do. I was still trying to decide if his head was shaved because he was going for the whole Bruce Willis thing or if he was bald because of his age.
I’ve been trying to get my dad to do the shaved head thing, but he’s been reluctant. Vee nudges me in the back, likely knowing I’ve gone off topic in my own head. My mind always seems to drift when I get nervous. I think it’s my way of dealing with things sometimes.
“Okay, we’re not twenty-one. You caught us. What are you, the police or something?” I throw my hands up. At the wordpolice,everyone turns and looks our way. Vee tries to hide herself behind my back, hating any kind of attention. “We’re not the police,” I quickly add.
We’re so not getting in here. Instead of helping my brothers, it looks as though I’m the one that’s going to be calling for backup with the way this is going. I should stop talking, but I can’t seem to help myself.
“I’m implying that you are acting as if you’re the police.” I lift my chin while pretending to smooth out any wrinkles in my dress.
My eyes linger on the hulk of a man in front of me. It doesn’t go unnoticed by me that his vest has the wordPresidentprinted on it. Or that he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.
“How old are you?” his deep voice rumbles. I swear it sends chills through my body. It reminds me of one of those really good audiobook narrators. I bet Vee is thinking the same thing. Her hold on my back releases.
“Twenty.” I tilt my chin back more to meet his dark gaze. My breath catches.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes so dark before in my life. Everything about him is dark and sexy. If I had a mom, this would be the type of boy she would tell me to stay away from. Not that this one would ever be considered a boy. From the looks of it, he hasn’t been one in a long time.