“Get in your car, sweetheart, and go home,” he orders her.
“No, what’s going on?” She folds her arms over her chest. “You two are fighting about me, I take it?”
“We’re not fighting,” I respond. Not sure how I should handle this. It’s ripping me apart not to reach out and grab her.
“Ollie, go home,” he orders her again.
“Dad,” she hisses. “I’m not a little girl anymore.”
“I’m asking you to go home.” He turns his head toward her.
“Babe. Go home.” Her mouth parts as she jerks her eyes toward me.
“Screw both of you. I’ll do what I want.” She turns, leaving us both standing there staring after her.
“David,” I call to him. “I’ll give you tonight, but I’m not letting her go unless she wants it. I'll be as respectful as I can be, but I'm pretty damn sure I’m in love with her, and that won’t be changing.”
“You’ll break her. She’s not meant for your world.” He tries to get me to see reason. I’m way too far gone for that at this point.
“Then I’ll change my world if I have to,” I tell him before I turn and leave to get into my truck. I want to follow after her, but I know she might need to have a moment with her father. I want to respect that knowing how important family is.
I send her a text, letting her know that she has twenty-four hours to sort shit out with her dad before I come to find her.
I head back toward the club. Pink is at the bar getting things set up for the night. “Whiskey,” I order. She pulls out a bottle from under the bar and pours me a drink. I down it quickly, enjoying the burn.
Arch’s advice about kidnapping her doesn't sound so bad anymore. I guess David and I have more in common than I thought. I’d break a few laws too where Olivia is concerned.
Now where the hell did Vee go? I poke my head back into the nail salon, but I don’t see her anywhere. I want to get out of here. I pull out my phone to see a text from her saying she grabbed a ride from Arch. I stare at it, not sure I’m understanding it because a little while ago she’d insisted that nothing would ever happen between the two of them.
My phone starts to ring the second I get into my car. I have no idea where I’m going to go right now, but I know I need to get away from both my dad and Jason. I consider not answering my dad’s call, but it’s really hard to ignore him. That man has done nothing but be there for me my entire life. So even though I’m upset with him, I pick up the call.
“Will you meet me at home, sweetheart?” he asks. “We have to talk about this.”
“Fine,” I agree. It’s always hard to tell my dad no. I know he always means the best. “I’ll see you in a little.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Don’t you call Ben and Kane to gang up on me.” He’s not dragging my brothers into this. Not yet, at least.
“Okay,” he agrees before he hangs up the phone.
I toss my phone into my purse. Both of these men think they can boss me around. I wasn't mad at Jason at first. I knew the second I spotted the two of them across the street from the nail salon what was going on.
I also knew there was only one reason these two would likely be talking. I think I might have given a bit too much information when I’d tipped my family off about Eddie. That on top of not sleeping at home for a while now. It was only a matter of time before they tried to find out what I was up to.
The past week has been too good to be true. I kept waiting for the bottom to drop out from under me. For Jason to tell me that he wanted a night to himself. Nope. Every chance he gets, he’s all over me. Even today he was across from the salon I was in. I saw his truck and knew he was near. I thought it was kinda sweet.
That was until he told me to go home. My stomach dropped at his words. No one ever wants to stand up to my brothers or my dad when it comes to dating me. The few that had shown some interest over the years ran easily at the sight of them. Not that I’d cared. Who wants to be with someone who wouldn’t fight for you? I don’t want them to fight, but when there’s no choice, you have to.
I was so sure there was no way that Jason would back down to my father. Now I have no clue what is going to happen. He might not want to deal with my family.
I pull in, parking behind my dad’s truck. When I enter, he’s standing in the kitchen waiting for me.
“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” He places his hands flat on the kitchen island between us.