Page 93 of Prince of Darkness


Sitting on the beach with nothing to do isn't all it's cracked up to be. Some people might find this fun and relaxing, but to me it seems as though it’s a waste of time. I lift up my pineapple drink that is supposed to make me relax more and take a sip of it, trying not to think of the mess I’ll have to deal with when I eventually go back home. Maybe I should stay here forever. That would solve everything. I sigh, knowing that I’d miss my twin sister, Madison, too much.

“Can I get you anything else?” I look up at Nick, who is standing next to my cabana.

“Do people just lie here all day?” I might be doing this beach thing all wrong. That has to be it.

“Generally.” He turns to look behind him. “Are you meeting people?”

“No.” I shake my head. He turns back, looking as though he feels bad for me. I am on vacation alone. I wrack my brain trying to think of someone else that I could’ve brought with me. The only person I come up with is my sister. Why is it only now dawning on me that I don’t have any friends? “Nachos. I’ll take some nachos,” I blurt out, wanting to get the sad look he has for me off his face. Plus, food makes everything better.

“Coming up.” He turns, heading back up toward the resort. I huff, falling back into my seat. Giving Victor the slip wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. Not when I didn't get to see him all pissed about it. I really am too good at this.

He’ll never find me unless I want him to. I didn't think about missing out on his realization when I came up with my plan. I’m usually a very detail oriented person, but for whatever reason when the Wolf is around, I can’t seem to think straight.

He may think he’s the alpha in this pack but he’s got it all wrong. I would have paid a million dollars to see that cocky smirk of his slip from his face when he realized he couldn't control everything. That I wasn't athing. That I do what I want when I want to.

I clench my thighs together, thinking about him barking one of his orders at me. I hate how my body responds to him. It did even before I’d ever seen his face. Victor and I had words a few times on the phone. I’d hung up on him when he was a dick. He’d showed up at the office. Now he won’t stop showing up. I already have one asshole in my professional life; I don’t need one in my private life, too.

The man is barbaric. I purse my lips, thinking about what he did. He’s gone too far this time. I take a deep breath, trying to get my emotions under control.

“I’m calm,” I remind myself. Only he makes me like this. I’m always calm. Except when it comes to him. Married. How the hell am I married to him? It doesn’t matter. I have a lawyer working on that. I’ll stay away until it’s all handled. Problem solved. I didn't believe it when Victor emailed me the marriage certificate. Until I saw my signature on it.

I stared at it for five minutes thinking it couldn't be real. I had Karen in legal at the office check. It was real. Filed with the city and all.

I must have signed it by mistake. I sign so many things in a day. He must have slipped it into something. I don’t know how he did it but he did. That’s fine. I’ll just undo it. I can be patient and wait until they deem me single again. My only hope is that I don’t die from boredom.

“Nachos.” I jump.

Nick sets the cheese-covered goodness down onto the table. “Sorry.”

“Thank you.” Now I am jumpy too. I give him a smile.

“I get off in an hour if you want me to join you?” Nick returns the smile. Oh, no. I gave him the wrong idea. I look up at Nick. He’s handsome. In that boy next door kind of way with his sandy blond hair and green eyes. He does nothing for me. My body is broken. It only craves assholes. One asshole, to be precise.

“You better tell the man that you’re married.” I jerk my head to the right to see Victor standing there in his suit. His eyes are trained on me.

“This is a beach. Not a boardroom,” I say tartly as I try to get my racing heart under control. He found me. How in the hell did he find me? And dear God does he look good.

I didn't even travel using my real ID. I stole my sister’s passport. Completely illegal but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. More so when you’re running from the likes of a Wolf. The Wolf men are not to be messed with. The family name carries a ton of weight. Victor’s being the heaviest. I’m guessing Victor didn't use the most legal of ways to find me either.

“Married?” Nick asks. My glare goes over to Victor. My eyes catch the sight of a ring on his finger. I snap my head away so he can’t see my reaction. Is he really wearing a freaking ring?

“Yes, married,” Victor barks at the poor guy. I don’t have to look to know he’s sending him running back toward the hotel.

“I’m not married.” I pull my sunglasses down from on top of my head to shield my eyes. I watch as Victor takes off his suit jacket. He drops it right over me.

“You’re naked.”

I grab the coat, tossing it into the sand. I’m sure it cost thousands if it is anything like my own boss’.

“Clear it.”

I lean up to see who the hell he’s talking to. Behind us I see Jackson, in his normal all black getup with a couple other men and one woman. They are all dressed the same. They nod at his order, breaking off to do as he commands.

“You don’t own the beach,” I remind him as he rolls up the sleeves of his button-up shirt, showing off his tattoos. My eyes trace over them. I think he knows I’m curious about them. He is always baiting me. My fingers itch to reach out and trace one.

“I can own this beach if I want to.” He sits down next to me. I try to ignore him but it’s impossible. I find myself already leaning toward him. This is why I left the city. He has this weird power over me. I let out a small scream of surprise when he grabs me.