Page 64 of Beautiful Devil

“Gia, I don’t repeat myself to my men, and I will not do it with you. Answer me.”

I loosen my grip a little, and she frantically nods her head.

“Good girl,” I whisper before turning and walking over to the bar. I pour myself a whiskey and take a sip before asking, “So, Mrs. Moretti, what can I help you with this morning?”

“I want to see Elle,” she murmurs in a low tone.

“And I told you no.”

Whatever little patience she gathered snaps. “So, what? You're just going to keep me here, locked away from everyone until you decide you're finished having your fun with me? Well, you can forget that, because last night was a mistake I will NOT be repeating.”

“It's not safe right now,” I growl out. “One of my warehouses was set on fire last night. It's the reason behind my meeting with my men this morning. Until you stormed in.”

“Wh-why did they set your warehouse on fire?”

I shrug and take another sip before answering. “Why wouldn’t they? I’m the Don. Everyone’s out to get me.”

Her eyes drop to her hands as she plays with them in front of her. “It's not even 8 a.m.”

I quirk an eyebrow at her.

“Do you always drink this early in the day?”

“Depends on how big of a colossal fuck-up it’s been.”

“Who is she?”

I look at her again, eyebrows raised in confusion.

“Who iswho?”

“Sofia,” she replies.

The sound of her name rolls off her tongue as though she’s swallowed acid. A smug smirk pulls on my lips as I hear the jealousy dripping from her words.

“Oh,gattina, do I detect a little hint of jealousy?”

She lets out a sharp huff and continues. “Absolutely not, I’m just trying to keep track of how many women you’ve kidnapped and forced into marriage.”

Her brows furrow and lips tighten, telling me my assumption is correct.

“She's my younger sister.”

Her face pales, and her voice raises slightly with surprise as she repeats my words like a question. “Younger sister?”

“One and only,” I reply before finishing my whiskey, setting the empty glass down on the bar, and slowly making my way back to her.

Sensing the calmer atmosphere in the room, Jeff returns to his spot at the window and slumps down to the floor.

We’re standing toe to toe, looking deep into each other's eyes – the electric current running strong between us.

She nods slowly and bites her bottom lip.

“Andgattina, if I hear you call last night a mistake again…I won't be held responsible for my actions.Capisce?”

She nods slowly again and stares at her bare feet before clearing her throat. “I’d better go get dressed.”

I grab her arm, preventing her from walking out, and tell her, “I’m not quite done yet,gattina. You see, I think you owe me an apology for interrupting my meeting like you did. Now, get on your knees.”