Page 5 of Beautiful Devil

What thehelldid I do in a past life to deserve this? Fuck him and the universe!

I get out of the car muttering a string of curses to myself when I'm attacked from behind and the sound of barking fills my ears.

Alright, Gia, take it down a notch with the theatrics,I think, turning around, and am greeted with the close-up of a Doberman with his front paws around my waist, barking playfully.

My moment of shock is broken by a rough voice shouting, "Jeff, enough!"

I'm pretty sure he's talking to the dog, but either he's got the wrong name, or this dog just doesn't listen. Pulling on the lead trying to contain Jeff (the dog), is a literal giant. The man holding the leash is definitely more than six feet, probably closer to seven. He has a shaved head, long dark beard and is dressed in a full black suit. Tattoos cover the tops of his hands, he has a face like stone, and –yep, could have guessed it –a small tattoo on his left cheek under his eye.

"Your dog is clearly very well-trained and obedient," I say with a sarcastic smile, turning my attention back to Jeff, who is now back on all four paws, but still won’t leave me alone. Try as he might, he isn't moving.

"He's not mine," the man in front of me grits out through clenched teeth.

What the hell is his problem?

"Okay. Jeff, sit" I say, curious to see how he’ll react.

Straight away, the dog stops rubbing against my legs and does as he’s told, looking up at me expectantly. My eyebrows shoot to the top of my head. I was not expecting that.

The not-so-jolly giant standing in front of me is clearly just as shocked by the expression on his face.

Holy shit!

I mentally pat myself on the back. I’m still in disbelief that this strange, barbaric-looking dog actually listened to a command after he all but assaulted me when I hear a sneer come from the giant in front of me. What might be a grin on any other person's face ends up looking almost constipated on his. Like it’s legitimately hurting him to be attempting a facial expression that isn’t one of murderous intent.

Trying to keep my laughter at bay over the ridiculous scene in front of me, I’m not able to hold it in any longer and let out a little chuckle.

“You alright there, big guy?” I motion to his face when I add, “It looks like you need to take a dump."

The giant obviously doesn’t like this or think it’s funny, because in an instant, anattempted grinis replaced with amurderous gaze.

I can see the muscles in his jaw tick, and through clenched teeth, he says, “Guess you weren’t expecting Jeff to obey, were you?”

This is one odd man,I think as I try for honesty. “No actually, I wasn’t. You must have trained him well.”

Again, I see him grinding his teeth together. In a low, gravelly voice, he says, louder this time, “He’s. Not. My. Dog.”

You’d swear that I insulted his mom with the glare he’s giving me. God forbid I make thewildassumption that this dog he’s walking is, in fact, his.

Internally rolling my eyes, I let out an exasperated, “Oh-kay.”

Jeff is still sitting where I told him to, wagging his tail and waiting for his next order.

Before I can bid this man and dog that’s not his adieu, goosebumps pebble down my arms and a chill shoots up my spine as an unusual feeling washes over me. Trying not to panic, I do my best to subtly look around when I notice a blacked-out Escalade in the distance and make out a man sitting in the passenger seat, looking directly at me. I hold his gaze for a moment, trying to get a good look at him, but he’s too far away for me to properly glimpse any of his features. One thing thatisclear, however, whether or not it’s directed at me...he doesnotlook happy.

Conscious of the time, I shake off the unsettling feeling and turn in the direction of the deli.

Time to go.

Needing an out, I check my watch and with a valiant effort to ignore the man holding the leash, I say, “Well it was nice meeting you, Jeff the dog.”

Something tugs at me to look back over my shoulder, and when I do, it’s to find the unnaturally large man and his Doberman Pinscher climbing into the parked Escalade.

Drawing closer to the deli, I put on my besteverything is going to be okaysmile, while in the back of my head, I can’t help thinking,What the fuck was that?