Matteo tries taking a deep breath, but grits his teeth when he registers the pain it causes. He finally starts talking in a low, weak voice so that I can only just make out his Italian accent.
“I don't know any Gallo. Boss doesn't give us names. He just…” He stops talking and tries to take a breath.
“He justwhat?” I bark at him. Impatient, I take my knife and plunge it into the top of his other thigh, where it must hit his artery because blood shoots out and sprays me in the chest and face.
As I pull the knife out quickly, a strangled, “AHHHHH FUCK!Cazzo!What the fuck, man?” sounds from Matteo.
Ignoring him, I repeat myself again through clenched teeth, “He. Just. What?”
He’s still howling in pain as I hear him taking more shallow breaths. I look up to see the sweat trickling down his forehead now, and he's white as a ghost. It won't be much longer now until he passes out, but I need him to hold out to at least give mesomeanswers.
“He… just…tells us…where to…g-go.” His head lolls forward and hangs slightly to the side.
I smack his face again to wake him up, but it's no use. He's passed out and will be dead soon.
Just as I was finally getting some answers.
I walk over to the table on the back wall and hit my fist on top of the table out of frustration. The tools make a clanging sound, and one of the knives falls to the floor.
Fisting my hands at my side, I turn around and walk over to Matteo. He's completely pale now, with his head hanging forward and dark brown hair covering his eyes. Both of his legs are covered in blood and he's still bleeding from the wounds on the top of his thighs and where I made the cut across his chest and torso.
As I stop in front of him, I tip his head back and smack the side of his face once, then twice until he moves his head and starts to blink. When he opens his eyes, I can see they’re unfocused, and I know it's only a matter of minutes before he passes out again.
Crouching down so that I’m eye-level with him, hoping that he’ll come to long enough to answer one more question, I ask, “Who's your boss?”
Unable to hold focus above my head at the back wall, I snap my fingers in front of his face and try getting his attention back to me.
“Matteo, who is your boss?”
His eyes start to close again so I lean forward to check for a pulse, feeling a very faint one. I try one last time to smack him on the cheek and get nothing. Standing up, I reach for the gun in the waistband in the back of my pants.
I turn the safety off, lift my arm, and just before I fire it, he rasps out in a barely audible voice, "Dante."
There's only one Dante I know and if this is who Matteo is talking about, then this shit with Gallo is a lot deeper than we thought. And what the fuck would Gallo be doing with Dante?
Getting my answer, I decide to put him out of his misery and fire off a bullet right between his eyes, finishing him off.
Returning the gun to my waistband, I walk out of the room and past Luigi. Not bothering to stop, I call over my shoulder, “Clean that shit up.”
Not waiting for his reply, I continue walking out of the warehouse to my Bugatti.
Opening the door, I climb in and rest my head back on the leather seat taking a deep breath. I’m usually on a high after these torture sessions, but I’m far from that right now. If anything, I feel more worked up than even before. Closing my eyes, I try to repress the beast that still wants to be free. All I can see are large brown eyes, the outline of an hourglass body with a plump ass that I just want to sink my teeth in…ample curves that are begging for my hands to roam and touch the set of perky tits that would undoubtedly fit perfectly in my hands.
Gia D’Amato.
I hit the steering wheel in aggravation. I didn’t get enough of what I came for, and I shouldn’t want what I can’t have.
Pushing the button to start the ignition, I slam my foot down on the clutch and shift the car quickly into third gear as I peel away from the warehouse. There's only one place to go where I can relieve this pent-up frustration and take my mind off of things.
Hopefully, I can kill two birds with one stone while I'm there too.