“Spill what? There’s nothing to spill.”
“If you think after all these years that I’m buying that fake-ass story and that shitty fake confused look, you have another think coming, bitch. Now, tell me all about this mystery man from the wedding.”
I take a deep breath, knowing that this time, she isn’t going to drop the conversation. I’m lucky she’s let it go this long, really. Letting out an exasperated breath, I try to deter her again, but deep down, I know it won't work.
“What do you want me to tell you, G? I met a hot guy, we kissed, we hooked up, I left. It was one night. The end.”
She levels me with a deadpan stare, not speaking a word. I take another sip of my wine and look around the garden, hoping and praying that by some miracle, that will be enough. But of course not.
“Well, did this hot guy have a name?”
A small smile flitters, across my face at the memory. “He said his name was D.”
Her eyebrows furrow in confusion. “He said his name was D?”
“Yep. He asked me my name, and when I told him it was Elle, he thought I was only giving him the first letter of my name, so he told him his name was D.” Lifting my glass, I take another sip, and I can see Gia’s exasperated look over the rim.
“Well, you can’t just stop there. What did he look like? How old is he? Where is he from? Was the sex good?” She giggles and gives me a wink at her last question, and I laugh out loud.
This girl…I would be lost without her, and so I decide to divulge.
“Ugh, fine. He’s tall, definitely over six feet. Short black hair and stubble to match with an amazing pair of electric blue eyes.”
“Ooh, you are a goner, girl. You’re a sucker for blue eyes.”
“I can’t help it. They draw me in. I’m not sure what age, exactly, but he’s definitely older, maybe closer to like thirty-six or thirty-seven. I don’t know where he’s from, and good? That man gave me the best goddamn sex I’ve ever had.” We both laugh at that last part, but Gia sobers quickly.
“So, why did you leave?”
“C’mon, G, you know why I left. I never stay. Plus, it was at a work wedding. I don't need that kind of gossip getting out.”
This time, she doesn’t pry anymore. Instead, she leans over, takes my hand, and looks me straight in the eye. “You deserve this happiness too, Elle. You’ve gotta try.”
Pools of tears well in my eyes at her words. I want to feel the happiness she has, but I don’t know if I can ever put my heart out there again to try. I give her a tight smile before she lets go of my hand and goes back inside to refill our glasses.
Much to my delight, Gia has dropped the conversation about the guy from the wedding. We’re hoping Fabi won't be much longer with his business meeting so we can have dinner. Not five minutes later, we hear Fabi and another deep, silky-smooth voice getting closer. One I haven’t been able to get out of my head. I’m wishing his business meeting never ended as they round the table and stand in front of us.
“Elle, this is one of my old friends and now-business partner, Dominic. Dom, this is Gia’s best friend, Elle.”
Kill. Me. Now.
What in the actual fuck? What are the chances, like one in a million?
Trying not to show how much I’m panicking on the inside, I school my features and plaster on what I hope looks like a genuine smile. I give a little wave and mumble “hi” before excusing myself to the bathroom.
I’m just about to reach the bathroom when I’m tapped from behind. I let out a yelp before turning around to see Dominic standing there.
“What the hell? You almost gave me a heart attack,” I whisper-shout at him while laying my hand over my rapidly beating heart.
“Sorry. I just wanted to come find you and make sure you were okay. I didn’t know you were going to be here when Fab invited me to stay for dinner.”
“Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be? And how would you? It’s not like we exchanged numbers,D.”
“Because you didn’t want to. You and yourrules.”
Oh, he’s got some nerve. I can feel my blood boiling, and I’m pretty sure I look like one of those cartoon characters with smoke blowing out of their ears. I square my shoulders, facing him head-on, and cross my arms over my chest before responding.
“What are you even doing here, anyway?”