I'm met with a longer than expected bit of silence. I glance down at the screen to make sure the call didn’t end. When I see it hasn’t, I try again.
"Elle? The wedding?"
She seems to have shaken herself out of whatever trance she was in and replies, “Yeah, sorry…it was fine.”
"Fine? Who describes a wedding as fine?"
“Ugh, look, I met a guy, we hooked up, end of story. It was one night, G, and it’s not a big deal. Can we drop it before we even start? I really don’t feel like talking about it.”
My eyes widen like saucers as I audibly gasp. “What?Youslept with someone from work?”
I'm shocked at her admission because Elle has always been the biggest stickler for keeping her private life away from work. It’s why she's so amazing at her job.
Before responding, she sighs. “Ijustsaid I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I’m at the airport waiting for my cab and I’m exhausted.”
"Okayyyyy…?" I respond because I’m not sure what I can say. Something clearly isn't right.
“I was just calling to make sure you settled in okay.”
See?My rock. Her plane just landed from Miami after attending a work wedding, and the first thing she does is check in on me. She's been by my side since we were twelve, and I swear I wouldn't be standing today without her blind faith in me.
"Yeah, I’m good. I already feel a little lighter not being in that house anymore.”
"Well, good. I’m glad to hear that. You deserve so much better than what that asshole put you through.”
I sigh down the line and don't say a word because as much as I know she's right, Ididlove Gallo once. We had planned to spend the rest of our lives together, and what he did still fucking hurts.
“Okay, well, my cab is pulling up, but I'll see you in the morning. Try to get some sleep tonight. I know this is big for you, but you're doing it. Love you, bitch.”
"Love you, bitch," I reply as she hangs up.
I lift my glass off the counter and swallow another mouthful of wine. She's right: thisisbig, and Iamdoing it. Finally, after all the shit Gallo put me through, I’m coming out on the other side and without him.
Thank fuck.
I've got another two boxes emptied and put away. I begin to open another, and the first thing I see is a picture frame with a photo ofuson our wedding day. Looking at it, I remember the exact moment this photo was taken. We’d had a winter wedding—the week before Christmas—in my hometown, Hartsville, South Carolina, and it couldn't have been more perfect. I couldn't have been happier.
When we got engaged, Gallo said, “Sky's the limit, babe.”
Ugh, I hated when he called me babe.
He wanted me to have everything I’d ever dreamed of for our dream wedding, and he somehow made it all happen.
The girl I see in this photo looks so happy, like her life is just beginning and there’s nothing in this world that could ruin it.
How wrong she was.
My eyes drift over to Gallo, and I’m seeing things I never noticed before. His smile, for instance, doesn’t seem genuine. It’s not one that’s filled with love and happiness like most grooms are on their wedding day.
Was it ever? Or was I just looking through rose-colored glasses the whole time?
The more I stare at the picture, the angrier I become.
Calm down, Gia.
But I can't hold it in any longer. I lift the frame off the kitchen counter and throw it at the wall. I watch as it smashes to pieces on the ground; the broken shards of glass scatter all over the floor, mimicking my life right now.
Lifting my wine glass, I down the whole thing, trying to prevent what I can feel bubbling up my throat from escaping. My eyes begin to mist and before I can do anything more to stop it, I hang my head and cry. I slink down to the kitchen floor, taking the half-empty bottle of wine with me and, let out every single tear I have held in since that godawful day.