Page 55 of Beautiful Devil

Whatever you need to tell yourself, Fabi.

Opening the door, I’m met with an empty room. Panic starts to rise a little until I see the light leaking out from the bathroom door. It’s not long before I see the beauty that is my wife. She opens the door and jumps when she sees me.

“Jesus, you scared me,” she says, trying to catch her breath.

While she calms herself down, I take the time to look her over. Her hair is piled into a messy bun on the top of her head, with pieces falling out all over the place. Her skin is pale next to the black t-shirt she’s wearing, and I can see the outline of her breasts, letting me know she's not wearing a bra.

My dick twitches at that.

Her short, toned legs are on display in her skimpy black sleep shorts, barely covering her pussy, and I bet if she turned around, those ass cheeks would be hanging out. My eyes move back up her body, landing on her face that’s free of makeup, showcasing her natural beauty.

Goddamn, is she beautiful.

Her big brown eyes fill with desire while she checks me out, and the way she’s licking her bottom lip tells me she likes what she sees. Standing in the doorway, I realize she’s waiting for me to navigate the situation.

“Good morning,dolcezza. Did you sleep well?”

Her face and neck turn bright red at the mention of how she slept, no doubt embarrassed by the nightmare she had. Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that. I want to rush over to her and take her in my arms and tell her there's nothing to be ashamed about, but I don’t want to scare her.

“I’m s-sorry for last night. I didn’t mean to wake you. It won’t happen again,” she stutters.

I’m up off the bed and moving before she’s even finished talking, tipping her head back so she’s looking me in the eyes. “You havenothingto be sorry for.Capisce?”

She averts her eyes, trying to look away, but I’m not having it.

“Look at me.”

Her eyes lock with mine.

“Good girl.”

Desire seeps out of her pores at those words.

“There is nothing to be embarrassed about,dolcezza. Have you had them any other time while you’ve been here?”

“I didn’t sleep that well after Gallo was arrested and had them while he was gone. But I haven’t had them since the trial ended. Until last night,” she explains.

“Did something happen yesterday that might have caused that nightmare last night?”

A blush creeps up her neck and face again; the memory of her fucking my fingers against the wall is no doubt playing in her mind right now. She swallows hard before answering in a rough voice.

“Nothing happened yesterday. I just had a hard time falling asleep. I must have just been overtired.”

“Why did you have a hard time falling asleep? Are two orgasms not enough to satiate you,dolcezza?”

Her bashful look turns into one of utter horror as realization kicks in. She’s as red as a lobster now; her eyes are so big they look like they're going to fall out of her head. She didn’t think I knew she was watching me jerk off. I didn't know she was there at first…until a low moan slipped past her lips and I caught sight of her in the bathroom mirror.

It was the hottest fucking thing, watching her touch herself and bring herself to climax, especially knowing she was so turned on by me. I forced myself not to move because I was enjoying the show, but my dick has never been harder, and it took all of my restraint not to blow my load the second I saw her pleasuring herself.

After my own release, I glanced back at the mirror and she was gone. I took my time washing myself, knowing she would need time to collect herself. When I exited the bathroom, she was already asleep. At least I thought she was until I climbed into bed, and sound of her breathing let me know that she wasn’t really sleeping. I didn’t want to spook her, so I went along pretending she was, but I couldn’t stop myself. I had to touch her in some way, so I kissed her on her forehead before giving her some space once I settled, even though my body was screaming at me to roll over and pull her into my arms – to finish what we’d started. Exhaustion took me under shortly after, until her nightmare woke me up.

“I, uh, no…um, what?”

God, is she cute when she’s flustered. Moving closer and dipping my head, I speak directly in her ear.

“I asked if two orgasms weren’t enough to tire you out. Maybe you need my mouth licking your sweet pussy until you come all over my face. Or my cock pounding into you so hard you forget your own name. Or maybe…” I shrug innocently. “You need both.” I pull back, and since I like to play with fire, I kiss her forehead before turning to leave, then call out over my shoulder, “Let me know your answer tonight so I can make sure you get a proper night's sleep.”

Adjusting myself, I walk back to my office so I can take care of myself like a horny fucking teenager.