“You don’t understand. I had this insistent need to find my mate amongst the humans. I now believe that was because even from our correspondence, there was a certain knowing in my body. A knowing that you were the one. I went to ten different auctions and not once did I enflame for any of those females. It wasn’t until you came on stage that my pheromones lit up because your scent entered my lungs and heated my entire body. I have latched onto you. You are mine. There is no other. You are not my last choice, you are my first and only choice.”

“Your only choice?”

“Yes. I didn’t go back to Voltare on purpose, in order to first look amongst my species for a mate. And I didn’t just latch onto the first unmated human I met. I was searching for you, without success, for a whole moon cycle. I am lucky that you went through my private correspondence and found me. I believe the fact that you instantly became so protective also shows how you knew inside too that I was your mate. You didn’t want anyone to have me but you.”

“I do feel unusually possessive towards you,” she admits.

“And I am the same about you,” I continue. “This is why we have to stay inside for the rest of the month. I am still caught in high heat and can’t handle anyone else looking at you or touching you, while I am bonding with you in our first domicile, in the nest I created for you and our offspring. It looks like I make quick decisions compared to you, but I’ve just been planning for a long time and when I finally see what I what, I can act fast. And when I realized that not only were you the female my body wanted, the female with the pheromones that caused me to enflame, I was also relieved to know you weren’t a stranger. You were my assistant. I knew you.”

“But we’d never met in real life. You’d never seen my picture or heard my voice.”

“But I knew you through your work performance and your professional communication. And you were always much more than my assistant.”

“What do you mean?”

“Camila, you are the reason that my negotiations with the other humans are going so smoothly. You’ve always been overqualified for your position. This is another reason why I so quickly offered you stock. It was only right, considering how instrumental you are in my success with my Earthly business dealings.”

“And now what is everyone going to think?” she pouts. “So you’ll say you married your assistant?”

“I’ll say I was lucky to find that my mate was already working in my corporation and now we are partners.”

She perks up. “Partners?”

“Yes, remember how I told you that you own half of everything? I’m not kidding. We are Voltare mates. You really do own half. Will you continue to work alongside me here on Earth as well as on Voltare? I think we will make a great team.”

“Yes,” she smiles.

I do more research on human mating rituals over the next week and learn that there are symbols of commitment that are important to humans. Therefore, I have a diamond ring sent to me from a local jeweler. I manage to time the arrival with Camila’s shower. She has no idea.

Also, I think what I really need to do is publicly declare for her. My new human mate, my wife, needs me to tell everyone that she is mine. Our relationship in private has been good for her, but now I see she needs more.

I am essentially a private being and I know she is too, but in this one instance we will need to speak publicly so all the humans on this planet know of my love for Camila Tusk.

The is the only way forward so that they all see our commitment and my respect and love for her. And that I expect them all to treat her as my equal.

The next morning we are again on the front deck. My female has her golden hair up on her head and she wears what she calls “comfy sweats” but she looks gorgeous, as usual. I like her black glasses. I have on matching sweats she purchased for me, but in dark colors. They are indeed highly comfortable. We are both sipping Traq and eating breakfast.

I turn on my tablet and access the human’s network as well as the Voltare network at the same time. “Are you ready?” I question.

She blinks. “Ready for what?”

“We are live.”

“Live?” she squeaks. Then she looks up into the screen I hold aloft. And she gives our audience a bright smile.

I put my arm around her and pull her close, so both of our faces are clear. “Let me introduce you to my new mate, Camila Tusk. Camila has been working with me since I first arrived on this planet. I was lucky to learn that this smart, hardworking and beautiful female had fallen in love with me. She is now my mate according to Voltare mating rituals. She is therefore also my full partner in all my business enterprises and will work alongside me here on Earth as well as Voltare. She also is now pregnant with our offspring.” Then I turn and kiss her cheek. I can see that she is both stunned and happy. “There’s more,” I say.


I pull out a black box and flip it open with one hand and Camila lets out a loud gasp. I pull out the huge, sparkling diamond so that it can be seen clearly on the live feed. “It has come to my attention that I have not legally mated yet with my female. There are a few steps I missed.” I hold the ring and look into her dazzling eyes, full of love for me behind her thick glasses. I love that everyone can see her like this, exactly as I see her. “Will you marry me again, this time in a human ceremony with all of your friends and family nearby and involved?”

“I love you,” she breathes.

“I know,” I chuckle. “I love you too. Does this mean you say yes?”

“Yes,” she responds. “Yes, I will marry you again, Derwen Tusk.”

Then I slip the ring onto her finger and I kiss her for all to see.