I quietly exit the bedroom with my bag and pad out into the hallway, leaving Mr. Tusk behind, still asleep in his room.

I think this is the problem. I know I agreed to eagerly agreed to everything last night, but in the cold light of day he’s still Mr. Tusk. And I’ve been his employee for six months.

Last night was weird. I was kind of crazy. Maybe it was too much champagne? I don’t know. Maybe it was all the craziness after the gun to my head and then Coco shooting those guys and then we get. It was fantastical, everything that happened last night. Like a movie and not real life.

I’m just still walking around stunned.

How is it even possible that any of that happened?

I’m just some boring girl who works from home and I do my job every day. And sometimes I send text messages to my younger sister. You know, we talk about the latestStar WarsandStar Trekshows and movies and then that’s about it. That’s my life. I was thinking about getting a cat but I haven’t yet.

He told me to call him Derwen. I shake my head. How can I switch over to suddenly being his mate?

The hallway is so light and bright, with skylights overhead, even up here. The floors are a light, real wood. I continue barefoot and pass all the other bedrooms and make my way downstairs.

And I keep thinking about last night. I can’t act like anything was a surprise or anything happened that I didn’t want. He clearly explained every step and the consequences and paused to ask my permission and consent before each step. Mr. Tusk was looking for a mate a wife. And he thought he had to purchase one from the auction house. He thought that’s how we find our wives, our mates. I gave him an out. I told him that that wasn’t true. But he still wanted me. I’m still so embarrassed at the thought that he knew that I was he could scent my arousal. I couldn’t hide how I felt from him.

Mr. Tusk is so sexy, I’m literally tongue-tied around him. I did better speaking to him with our correspondence because there were clear boundaries. I like learning from him. He’s very clear-cut on what he will or won’t allow. He gives clear directives and expects compliance. He never, not once, said anything harsh or demeaning to me, despite the fact that I knew I was one of the first humans he’d worked with.

Part of me still wonders if this attraction he has for me is just something where his body is making him feel this way about me. He didn’t want me, Camila. He just needed a mate and maybe I could’ve been any female he scented. I don’t know, I can’t help but feel unsettled this morning.

And then I place a hand against my lower stomach and remember how he told me that if we had sex I would be pregnant by this morning.

Am I really pregnant right now?

I wander around downstairs, side-stepping busy cleaning bots. Still focused on how I’m most likely going to be a mother nine months from now.

I told him I did want to have a baby. I said yes to everything. So those were my true feelings. And it’s true that right now, the thought of possibly being pregnant with Mr. Tusk’s baby sounds…amazing.

Maybe my true worry is that he doesn’t like me as much as I do him. He seemed to like me last night, but how much do we really know each other beyond that work relationship? Well, we’re going to be here alone in this house, aren’t we? This isn’t a one-night stand, or a vacation. He said this is our new home.

Just me and Mr. Tusk. I take a breath. Derwen. He said to call him Derwen. Oh, this is gonna be hard.

How can I possibly, overnight, go fromhe’s my bosstohe’s my husband? And suddenly the father of my children.

But I care about him so much. And wow, sex with him last night was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m happy I waited so long for him to be my first.

Am I in love with my boss?

I sit down at a dark wood dining room chair and shrug on his dark jacket that smells like him.

Am I in love with my boss?

How does he feel about me in return?

Then I pull on the thick, silky black socks that bunch at my ankles. Cleaning bots in the house continue to pass me, and I wave at them and whisper, “Hi.” They remind me of little pets except they’re shiny black machines. I think they’re kind of adorable. And they smell good. They leave a nice clean sent as they pass by.

Then I spend time walking around the light and bright beach house exploring it on my own. We arrived last night, late in the dark so it’s only now that I’m standing at the front windows with my mouth wide open, because the views are stunning. From inside the house I can see the ocean off to the horizon.

No freaking way. Normally I’m lucky if I can afford a hotel room, thirty minutes away from the actual beach, with a view of the parking lot.

I pull out my phone and send my favorite sis a picture of rolling hills leading to an epic beach through the window.

Where are you?she asks.

I decide to brag.I’m staying at a fancy house on the Central Coast. Having a beach vacation,I say deciding to be a little vague and not tell her yet that I’m married to Derwen Tusk. I’ll work my way up to that.

Although are we really married? We did perform a Voltare mating ritual, but it’s not like I’m wearing a ring.