I groan. “Earlier this evening there was a gun pressed to my head and then Coco shot those men down around me like we were in aMission: Impossiblemovie. That was a crazy way for us to meet.”

“Yes, it was. And now that I have you close, I plan on keeping you safe. Nothing like that will ever occur again. I promise you that between my hovercraft and this home, there are many security measures embedded within that are invisible to human eyes and tech.”


And then his voice turns serious again. “Camila, maybe I was guided to buy this house because my body sensed it was you all along. How did I happen to purchase a house so perfectly crafted to your specifications? I bought it for my own reasons, but there are many oceans and plenty of real estate available on beaches all over the world. Why did I purchase one near where I knew you already lived?”

Well, shoot, now my heart is melting. “You know I live in California?”

He kisses my hand. “I know everything about you.”

I nod and we both stand, and I give this wonderful man my final answer, for a second time. “I accept this house, as the first step in a Voltare mating.”

He grabs me close and gives me another kiss on my lips, then takes my hand and walks me through the downstairs for a tour. I walk beside him, in basically a dream state.

Derwen introduces me to the cleaning bots that are quietly humming behind us, cleaning up the sand we tracked inside. My first impressions of the inside are of a glorious modern kitchen with lots of white cabinets and gleaming countertops. The house includes lots of seating areas and easy access to the front deck. There are many huge windows and skylights and I can only imagine how wonderful this must look in the daytime. This area of the coast is notorious for morning fog and wind, and then full sun later in the day. I’m sure this house is positioned to view all of it.

Then Derwen stops at the base of the stairs. “I would like to take our relationship further and make it permanent as mates. But it is always your right to say no. You have agreed to coming here with me and said yes to our domicile but there are still two more parts you need to agree to before we are truly mates.”

“What happens if I say no? Are you going to be in pain?”

“Yes. But do not let that concern or worry you.”

“How would I not be worried about that?

“You’re a caring human but trust me, it’s not something for you to worry about. My job is to convince you that I’m worthy and if I don’t do that correctly, it is your right to say no. So first, I set up our domicile which you have agreed to.”

“What are the other two steps?”

“The next steps are both upstairs.”

“What happens up there?” I question, although I really do know. Obviously, epic sex. And I can hardly wait. I truthfully didn’t plan on spending the night with Derwen Tusk. I was just supposed to save him from a money scam and make sure he didn’t get hurt in the process. And then it turned into me being the one in trouble. And now here I am, with Derwen, who it turns out keeps telling me he scented me back at the auction and that’s why he bid for me. And he wants to marry me?

“I will first show you the mating bed I have prepared for you. You will let me know if you accept it.”

I grin. “This is getting serious.”

“Yes. You have to decide if you can do this, Camila. You are a human and humans can have many mates in their lifetime, but I’m not the same. It helps that you already know me and my lifestyle. You even know what size clothing I wear. You know my schedule and who I communicate with. I’m hoping that makes it easier for you to take a chance on me. But, if you do agree to this mating and allow me to fuck you tonight in our mating bed and let me release my seed inside of you, then you will be pregnant. And you will be mated to me for my entire lifespan. I will be physically bonded to you and unable to become enflamed for any other female.”

“Babies?” I squeak, because from all he said, this is what my brain is fixated on.

“Well, the whole point of a Voltare mating is to have offspring.”

“Offspring in the future?”

“No, offspring now.”

“Right now. Today?”

“Tonight, yes.”

“Wait, you’re saying if we have sex tonight, I’ll get pregnant right away?” And he’s right that it’s possible because I’m not on any birth control whatsoever.

“Yes, that’s what I said.”

“Tomorrow morning I’ll wake up…pregnant?”

“Yes,” he says with a deep voice. “The image of you swollen with my child is irresistibly sexy.”