“Yes. I hope it will be my wedding night with you. But first, you will need to agree to the house I’ve chosen for us.” Then he turns off autopilot and manually take over the controls. “We’re here,” he lets me know.

Then we pass over a property lit up at night, which I can’t see clearly, just an image of white lines and golden lights. We land on the dark field.

I shrug my purse over my shoulder and I take his hand again. We leave the hovercraft and start toward the house and I can immediately smell the fresh ocean air and I’m in heaven. I'm happy that the domicile is at least visible at night.

“What is that? Is that…?”

“Yes, that's the roar of the ocean. We're near to the beach, but not too close, just far enough away to remain safe. Close enough that in the daylight you can see the ocean from the front windows of the house. You can walk on the beach whenever you want. We have private access from this house.”

“Oh my gosh.”

And then we turn a curve and the entire house comes into view. It’s two storied and white with sharp lines and squares. There are many expansive windows. “The house is large with six bedrooms and office space, as well as large living areas. It will be a good place to live and grow a family. A large deck wraps around the front of the house,” Derwen explains.

And now I’m walking faster than him, dragging him behind me because I’m that excited. “Hurry, I want to see inside.”

And then we get closer and he scoops me up into his arms. I laugh, surprised at his antics. Derwen kicks open the front door and carries me over the entrance and inside. Then sets me down on my feet.

The lights are on inside the great room. Two different tiny robots cheerfully pass by.

My chest warms with pride at the sight of the female my body has chosen. The female who wants me in return. My body still thrums with heat, but the pain has already decreased, replaced with the need to fuck this gorgeous human. I want her lips on mine and her long legs on my hips as I slide into her wet heat.

Derwen Tusk takes a deep breath. “Camila,” he asks with a very serious voice. “This is an important step in the mating ritual. Do you accept this house? Do you think this is appropriate for your needs?”

“Hmm?” I turn away for a moment because

I’m having trouble keeping my eyes off the light wood floors, the fluffy white couches and the stone fireplace.

“Do you like this house?”

Large, colorful paintings dominate the walls. Blankets, throw pillows and other objects make the space look cozy and inviting. And dear god, we’re staying at a fancy beach house. “Yes, I love it. This is basically my dream home. I love coming to the coast and taking long walks on the beach.” Wow. Not only am I spending the evening with the man of my dreams, but Derwen Tusk is also offering me a beach vacay in freaking Cambria. I smile up at him. “I can’t believe how you were able to find exactly what I liked and where I travel. You must’ve spent time researching.” A lump forms in my throat. “No one has ever done something this nice for me, trying to find out exactly what I’d like. This is near my favorite beach town and the most luxurious Airbnb in my life. And definitely the best company.”

“Camila, do you think this is a vacation?”

“Isn’t it a vacation?” I pull the front of his suit jacket closer in the front, reminding myself that he gave it to me to wear because he was worried I was cold and it smells like him. And he’s so handsome in his perfectly tailored white, button-down shirt, tucked into black slacks. And it’s tented at the crotch.

I bite my lower lip and shift on my feet, trying to relieve the warmth between my thighs. My lips are still swollen from his amazing kiss and the rub of his stubble. And the scrape of those fangs…amazing. I still cannot believe he can so easily retract those deadly tusks.

“No, this isn’t simply a vacation. Remember I said I purchased this home. I own it. And you’re not here for just a visit. I bought this home weeks ago, hoping that my future mate would like it too. The first step for a Voltare male in heat is to nest. I find a domicile that I believe my female will like. Do you like it?”

I gaze up into his flaming red eyes and suddenly feel deflated, like a popped balloon. “Derwen, you’re telling me you bought this way ahead of time, for any female you happened to bring here? This wasn’t something you picked out for me, specifically, because you thought I would like?” I walk over and plop into a chair because this makes me sad. I was starting to think I was important to him. That was stupid. He’s Derwen Tusk. Rich and famous. I need to remember I’m just some random human of no consequence.

He steps closer and crouches next to me, a hand on my knee. “Female, it’s true that I didn’t find this home with you specifically in mind. But I believe there had to be a reason why I so easily tossed aside the idea of returning to my own home planet. Why did I think I would find my mate on Earth?”

“Because two other Voltare have human mates?”

“No, because I was messaging Camila Harper every day, twice a day and the thought of you was in my subconscious.”

I grab his hand. “Are you trying to tell me you’ve had a secret crush on me this whole time?”

He grins. “No. I was preoccupied with business negotiations, but I’ve always enjoyed working with you. I didn’t know anything about you. My assistant could’ve been mated with many children. But I do believe that when I scented you at the auction, my body saidfinally.”

Heat stings behind my eyes. “What did you think when you saw my name on the lineup?”

“I couldn’t believe some female had the same name as my assistant. I assumed it was a common human name.”

I laugh. “And you still didn’t make the connection until I told you?”

“No. I was simply stunned by the gorgeous female I’d been lucky enough to purchase, who was still unharmed and not kidnapped.”