He stands and holds out his hand. “Please allow me to escort you inside, my dear Aleriana.”

I smile again as I slide my hand into his. “I would be honored.”

The place is like nothing I’ve seen before. There are so manySwords and Legendsstuff here. Life-sized posters guests can take pictures with—and trust me, Liam and I take lots of photos—toys and games and action figures. T-shirts and mugs and keychains. There are booths and booths full of anything you can think of. Liam convinces me to get matching temporary tattoos on our faces, just like some of the characters have. We want to take our time exploring the items they have, but there are going to be many performances, events, and signings that we don’t want to miss.

We manage to squeeze into a dance performance put together by the showrunners, which features a few of the cast members. They reenact the famous dance a group of outlawed sorceresses performed to try to regain their magic. The whole thing is pretty hilarious because it’s a funny dance, but the sorceresses did manage to get back their magic. The performance ends with the lights turning off and lightning crackling in the air. Some of the cast members float up as their bodies are surrounded by light. Their magic has been restored.

When the performance is over, I turn to Liam with such a huge smile that my cheeks hurt. “That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

He smiles. “I’m so glad you’re having fun, Chloe.”

My brows furrow. “You’re not having fun?”

“Of course I am. Because you’re here with me.”

I stare at him for a moment, then lower my eyes and tuck some of my white hair behind my pointy ear. “Thanks. I feel the same way.” I slowly raise my eyes and gaze into his.

He lifts his hand like he wants to touch my face, but someone behind us yells, “Awesome costume, guys! Can I take a photo with you?”

We both blink at him.

“What?” Liam asks.

“You guys have one of the best costumes I’ve seen all day. Can I take a photo with you?”

“Oh, sure,” I say.

Once we’re done with that, Liam leads me to a room where the actors are sitting on a panel and taking questions from the fans. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe we’re going to be in the same room with the famous actors. It’s going to be epic.

There are hardly any seats left, so Liam and I squeeze in somehow in the back. And when I say squeeze, I meansqueeze. My body is pressed so tightly against his that I feel his warmth seeping through both our costumes. And I feel the hard muscles of his chest.

“Sorry,” I whisper. “It’s either squish against you, or squish against…that guy.” I nod my head to the stranger on my other side.

Liam wraps his arm around me and pulls me even closer to his body, like he’s protecting me from that guy and the rest of the world. “No. Squish against me. Me and only me.”

It feels so good to be this close to him. Closed in his arms like I’m the most important person in his life. Which, I know is not the case. One day, he’ll have a special girl to squeeze in his arms like this.

Why does that thought make my heart hurt a little?

“It’s starting!” Liam says.

The next two hours are filled with the cast members answering fan questions. It’s so incredible to hear what goes on behind the scenes and how much work and dedication it takes to create those memorable scenes. Every single actor in the show loves it as much as the fans.

But the best part about all of this? The guy who plays Onin, who was thinking about leaving the show, suddenly makes an appearance in the last five minutes. And he has a major announcement. He informs his fans that he’s decided to stay on the show. Which means it has been renewed for another season.

The audience erupts in applause. “The show’s not being canceled!” Liam squeezes me against his body again. “That’s awesome. I can’t wait to tell Lily and Xavier.”

After the panel, some of the actors sign autographs. Liam and I stand in line because we want to surprise Xavier and Lily with autographs from their favorite actors. It’ll take up a lot of our time, but it’s worth it.

The coolest thing is that the woman who plays Aleriana is floored by my costume. She tells me it’s one of the best she’s ever seen.

“Oh my gosh,” I gasp as Liam and I walk away from the tables with our signed autographs. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

“Aunt Amanda is going to take all the credit for your costume,” he says with a chuckle. “Wait, there’s something in your hair.”


He reaches over and lifts a strand of wig hair off my cheek, his skin touching mine and causing a shiver to travel down my spine. “Oh. It’s just confetti.”