He glances up. “Oh, um. No, not really. This is for school.”

She narrows her eyes. “Liar.”

“Yeah, what are you hiding?” I ask.

He shoos us away. “I need some privacy. And please shut the door on your way out.”

Rylee rolls her eyes at me before we walk out, closing the door. There’s no point trying to figure out what he’s up to. Noah is and always will be a closed book.

“Hey, Rylee?” I stop her before she enters her room.

She turns around.

“You know Mom and Dad love you and are only looking out for you. They’re not trying to ruin your life.”

She sighs heavily. “I know.”

“And if anyone ever hurts you, tell an adult, okay?”

She studies me. “Is this about what happened to you yesterday?”

“I guess. I just want you to be safe.”

“Yep. I know to tell an adult whenever I don’t feel safe. Thanks, sis.” She turns to enter her room, then faces me. “By the way, I’m really glad you’re okay.”

“Thanks. Good night.”

“Night.” She waves and disappears into her room.

Chapter Twelve


My first day back at school won’t be easy. I know I only missed a day, but so many things could happen in one day. Like the entire student body gossiping about Topher’s expulsion and the loser he beat up.

Sighing, I climb out of bed and stand before the mirror in my room. My face is still pretty red and swollen, but I guess there’s nothing I can do about it. Other than wear aPhantom of the Operamask.

After staring at myself for a few more minutes, I get ready and meet my parents and sisters in the kitchen. Mom’s been busy this morning making enough pancakes to feed an army, maybe as a way to ease her mind from everything that happened.

“Morning,” I greet as I lower myself between Lily and Evie. They’re packing in their pancakes like they haven’t eaten in days. “Must be out of this world,” I say.

Evie stuffs another piece into her mouth. “It’s your recipe, so you know it’s good. And your homemade maple syrup is heaven.”

Mom sets another plate before Dad. “Hope I followed the directions correctly. Liam, your recipes are very confusing.”

I groan. “You’re like the third person to tell me that. Chloe always complains about it and Xavier couldn’t follow my directions when he prepared food for his picnic with Lily.” I hold up my hands. “I’m working on making them clearer.”

“Clear recipe or not, these are delicious,” Dad says as he takes a bite. “You and your mom are beasts in the kitchen.”

Mom waves her hand with a blush. “I just followed his recipe.”

With a grin, Dad pulls her close until their lips are inches from each other’s. “They’re amazing and you’re amazing, Ponytail. And our kids are amazing.” He presses his lips to hers slowly, like he wants to savor every minute.

“Great,” I mutter, though I can’t help watching them. What does it feel like to be so in love with someone like that? To be so happy?

“Well, there goes my appetite,” Evie grumbles.

Mom and Dad either don’t hear her or they don’t care. Lily, of course, is swooning. When she catches me frowning at her, she says, “Let them have this, Liam. They were worried about you.”