After I tell her, she also laughs. “Yeah. Small world, huh?”

“Yeah. I mean, it’d be really weird if we were actually related, wouldn’t it?”

She slowly turns to me. “What do you mean?”

I have no idea why I said that. It just slipped out. I know Chloe sees me as a brother, so…

“Never mind,” I quickly say. “Must be the pain talking.”

Her face contorts with worry and sympathy. “Do you want me to get you something for the pain?”

I wave my hand. “Thanks, but the doctors pumped me up with enough painkillers. I’ll be okay.”

She heaves in relief and lies down next to me, resting the book between us. “Want to start?”


As we read the book together, it dawns on me that we’re under my covers together. If Mom or Dad walked in…what would they think?

Then again, Chloe is pretty much my sister…right?

Chapter Ten


Mom and Dad let me stay home from school today so I can heal from my injuries. But just today, since I don’t want to fall behind in my classes.

It’s nice to sleep in, though it’s weird to wake up to a quiet house. I heard Mom open my door a few hours ago before she left for school, probably checking if I’m okay. Other than the pain, I feel fine.

After swallowing down the pain meds she left on my night table, I climb out of bed. As I go downstairs for some food, I hear voices coming from the kitchen. Dad’s at the table, his laptop before him. He’s video chatting with someone, but I can’t see who it is.

He turns his head and smiles when he sees me. “Good morning, Liam. Did you sleep well?”

I nod as I step into the room. “I thought you were at work.”

“Don’t have to go in until later.”

Hmm. I bet he’s home because he and Mom are worried about me.

“Who are you talking to?” I ask.

He gestures to the laptop where Uncle Zane’s face is on the screen.

“Hey, kid,” Uncle Zane says with a grin. “Ouch. That looks like it hurts. You okay?”

I forgot to look at my face today, but I know I probably look like a toad or something. “Yeah, I’m okay,” I tell him. “How’s the book tour going?”

Uncle Zane shrugs. “Stressful, but fun. I’m in New York City now.”

He’s staying at a hotel by himself since Aunt Bailey and the kids couldn’t accompany him on this tour like they sometimes do, especially in the summer.

“Cool. I was up reading your book for the second time last night.” Chloe stayed pretty late, but Mom and Dad didn’t have a problem with it. I wish she could have stayed longer.

Uncle Zane laughs, pushing his fingers through his long, dark hair. It’s the same shade as Dad’s, but Dad’s is a little shorter. He and my uncle look nearly identical, except Dad’s ten years older than his brother. “Good. Can I pay you to write the sequel for me?”

“Think I’ll pass,” I tell him.

He groans. “This book is kicking my butt, I’m telling you.”