“Yeah, it’s not your style,” Ava says as she slides it over and reads it again. “Do you know who wrote it?”

“No. Do you think someone sent it in anonymously and my name somehow ended up on it?” I ask.

“It’s possible, right?” Willow asks. “A mix-up?”

“Yeah. I guess we’ll have to republish it with the right name in the next issue. But I hope people don’t think it was actually me who wrote it. I would never roast someone so harshly. ‘He’s worse than the crap I stepped on on the way to school?’ Geez, someone is pretty ticked off at him.”

“Some of the basketball players are real jerks.” Lily scowls. “They’re always teasing Xavier for being so romantic. Like he’s pathetic or something. Good thing Xavier and Liam are good guys. Maybe they’ll eventually turn them good, too?”

I’m about to tell them what happened on Friday when Liam tried to hang out with the team at Mikey’s, but I purse my lips. I know he was embarrassed about it and I don’t think he’d want me talking about it behind his back. Not that he’s ashamed in front of the other Musketeers, but I’m pretty sure he wishes I hadn’t witnessed it.

Willow waves her hand. “He’ll probably take the article as a compliment. Guys like him love the spotlight. Bad press is good press, right?” She offers me a reassuring smile.

I return a thankful one. “Yeah. I’m not worried. He’ll probably tell me to write one for every issue.”

With my worries gone, I focus on the discussion ofThe Devermoor Beasts. We usually don’t get into heated arguments, but the way Willow and I refuse to see eye to eye on the underwater fire dragon thing is pretty hilarious. No, it’s pretty hilarious how worked up Willow is getting.

Ava giggles. “You need to suspend your belief just a bit more, Willow.”

She stubbornly folds her arms over her chest again. “Fire and water donotmix.”

“It’s magic fire,” I remind her.

“My mind will not be changed.”

“Fine, Macintosh.”

That has us all laughing, even Willow.

When book club is sadly over, Willow stretches her arm over me with a smile. “Thanks for taking my mind off my stress.”

“What stress?” Lily asks. “App stuff?”

“Yep. But I don’t want to talk about it when I’m with you guys. You guys equal no stress. That’s where I’m happiest.”

Ava squeals as she wraps her arms around us. “Me, too! You guys and Aidan.”

“Darn the competition,” Willow jokes.

“There’s no competition. My heart is big enough for all of you.”

We pack up our things and exit the room.

“I need to do some work on the paper,” I tell them. “I’m catching a ride with Liam and Evie after he’s done with practice.”

“I can keep you company,” Willow offers.

“That’s okay. You focus on your app. Withnostress. Got it?”

She twists her nose. “I’ll try.”

Before Ava or Lily can offer to stay with me, I assure them that I’ll be fine and that they should go home. After we hug each other goodbye, I head to the newsroom and work on my article for fifteen minutes. The team should be done with practice now. I already texted Liam earlier, so he knows to wait for me.

I stop at my locker to grab my books, and after I close it, I come face to face with Topher Fletcher. He’s surrounded by a few of his teammates. I don’t see Liam or Xavier anywhere.

He glares at me with his hands fisted at his sides. “Who the heck do you think you are?” he demands.

I’m confused for a second, but then I remember why he’s so upset. “Is this about the article?” I ask. “There’s been a misunder—”