She draws back and bites her lip. “I cost you the win.”

“No, you were amazing. It just wasn’t meant to be.”

The family and friends of the contestants run to hug and congratulate us. Mom and Dad pull me into their arms, telling me over and over how proud they are.

As the rest of my family and friends hug me, a voice says, “Liam Hastings?”

I pull away from Charlie and glance toward the voice. Dean Catherine Robinson stands there with an expression on her face that I can’t read.

“Yes?” I ask.

“May I speak with you for a minute?”

I nod and follow her to the side, away from the crowd. She wears a pleasant smile on her face, but I still can’t figure out what this is about.

“Congratulations on your accomplishments in this competition,” she tells me.

“Thank you.”

She nods. “Unfortunately, you didn’t win, but winning isn’t everything, is it?”

I swallow. “No, it’s not. I had fun and I’m glad I met so many talented people that I look up to. I’ll still follow my dream of becoming a chef.”

She nods again, still with that smile. “I was pleasantly surprised with your behavior this evening.”

I just blink at her.

“When your sous chef burned the sauce, you handled it very professionally. I’ve had chefs in my restaurant lose their composure, yelling at the sous when they made mistakes. You, Liam, are wise beyond your years. Any chef would be lucky to have you working in their restaurant one day.”

My cheeks feel hot. “T-thank you.”

She smiles again. “But what shocked me even more? That you helped out your competitor. In all my years of judging the Young Chefs of Tomorrow, I have never seen that before.”

“Sorry. It just didn’t seem fair for her to fall behind because she lost her partner.”

“Liam, you have nothing to apologize for. What you did shows me what a magnificent young man you are.”

I blink at her again. “Thank you.”

“When I’m considering prospective students for my school, I’m not just looking at their culinary skills. I’m looking at them as a person. Is the student a good, selfless, caring person? Does the student have a good heart? You, Liam, check all those boxes.”

I have no idea what to say. I can’t even open my mouth.

“You helped your competitor complete her dish knowing she might beat you. And she did. But you didn’t get upset. You were happy for her. You displayed characteristics that exceed what I’m looking for in a student. Which is why I’d like to offer you a scholarship to the Robinson Culinary Institute.”

I just stare at her. “What? You’re offering me…but I didn’t win.”

“This competition isn’t only about winning, Liam. I saw what a marvelous person you are and I’d love for you to come to my school, hone your skills, and exceed in everything that you do.”

“Are you sure?” I ask before I can stop myself.

“Very sure. I’ll send you an application to fill out, but it’s just a formality. I’m looking forward to you attending the Robinson Culinary Institute in two years.”

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

She smiles with a nod. “One more thing. I’d like you to intern in my restaurant over the summer.”

“Are you serious?”