I hope my words have brought you some peace of mind. If you’d rather cut ties with me, I completely understand. I want you to do what you’re most comfortable with.


Chloe Barrington

I read the letter over several times to make sure it’s perfect. Then I fold it and place it in an envelope, my heart galloping faster than an award-winning racehorse. If my secret admirer doesn’t want to keep some sort of relationship between us, I’ll accept it and move on.

After I eat breakfast with my family, Noah drives us to school. The whole ride, my heart races through my chest. I barely pay attention to Noah or my friends who text me. I just stare at the spot before me, imagining what it would be like if my secret admirer accepted my apology and we would start…something.

“Chloe? We’re here.”

I blink and realize Noah has parked in the student lot and has unbuckled his belt.

“Oh.” I gather my stuff and push the door open.

“You, okay?” he asks. “You seem out of it.”

“Yeah. Just stressing out about my physics test.”

“Good luck. I’m sure you’ll do great.”


I get out of the car and make my way toward the school building, my eyes scanning the area for Derek Chen. I don’t see him out here, so he’s either inside or hasn’t come to school yet.

“Chloe! Over here!” Ava calls from her locker, where she stands with Aidan and Willow.

I wave at them, letting them know I’ll join them soon, and then walk through the hallway, eyes focusing on the students gathered around. “Please be here,” I mutter. If I don’t give it to him soon, I might lose my nerve.

My body deflates when I reach the end of the hallway and there’s no sign of Derek. Maybe I can catch him during lunch.

I’m about to head to Ava’s locker, when I spot him entering the school with the friend he was speaking to the other day. As though someone has lit a fire under my butt, I race over to him and make a short stop before him, almost crashing into him.

His eyes widen when he sees me. “Oh. Hey.”

“Hey. Can you—?”

He holds up his hands. “Sorry. I can’t tell you who he is. Please don’t put me in this position.”

I shake my head. “I don’t want you to tell me who he is. I just want to know a few things.”

“Um…okay. If I can answer them.”

“Does he go to our school?”


“Is he my age?”

“Um…I think so.”

“Is he messing with me or is he serious?”

“From what I can tell, he seems pretty serious to me.”

That causes a sigh of relief to escape out of me. “Okay, good. Is he a jerk or is he a good guy, as far as you can tell?”

“Seems like a good guy.”