We drop Chloe off at her place, she clutching her bag with her costume and gifts for her family. She thanks us, gives me a stiff smile, then tells me she’ll see me later. We invited our friends to come to my house in a few hours to give them their presents and tell them about the convention.

Mom and I reach our house and enter. Lily, Evie, and Dad crowd around me, everyone wanting to know how I am and how the convention and motel were.

As we all sit together and eat an early dinner, I tell them everything—again, omitting certain parts.

Lily squeals. “You really got the actors’ autographs?”

I chuckle. “Sure did. And we got some for you and Xavier, too.”

“Awesome. He’ll be so happy.”

We chat for a little while before Evie goes down to the basement and Mom and Dad clean up. Lily and I go up to my room and wait for the others. They should be here soon.

We talk about Spencer, more about the convention, and she’s a little jealous when I tell her I saw the trailer for the upcoming season. It’s online, now, so she runs to watch it.

“I’m so happy it’s been renewed for another season. My life is complete.”

I laugh, but I can’t help worrying about Chloe. Will she be back to her old self now that the others will be here? Will they notice something off with her?

“Wow, you just got all serious,” Lily says as she studies my face. Her hands shoot to her hips. “Are you hiding something from me, Liam Hastings?”

I give her the best innocent look I can muster. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not hiding anything.”

She rolls her eyes. “My twin telepathy tells me otherwise.”

“Knock, knock! The Junior Musketeers and the boyfriends are in the house,” Ava announces as she and the others pile into my room.

My eyes automatically spring to Chloe, who focuses on the others instead of me. I slump forward. Darn it.

“We want to hear all about it,” Willow says as they gather around on my bed and the floor.

Chloe and I tell them everything. She completely transforms, acting like her old self. She even gives me her usual Chloe smile that I love. My heart lifts at the hope that maybe things will be okay between us.

“Now for the gifts,” I say as I get to my feet.

“Aw, you shouldn’t have,” Ava says with an excited smile.

I lift both eyebrows at her and touch my chest. “Oh, rats. I forgot Ava.”

Laughing, she says, “Okay, I totally deserved that. But you did get me something, right?”

I tap my chin. “I don’t remember.”

She playfully rolls her eyes. “I know you didn’t forget me. Because I’m so loveable and memorable.”

“You’ll just have to see,” I say with another chuckle.

We hand Willow, Ava, and Aidan their T-shirts and hats, and other things we got for them. None of them are into the show, but they love their presents.

“See! Told ya.” Ava hugs her stuff. “Thanks.”

Lily and Xavier glance at one another. “What about us?” Xavier asks.

Chloe and I grin at each other before she pulls out Lily’s gift from the bag and hides it behind her back. I hand Xavier the snow globe. His eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as he takes it. “This is amazing! Selos’s epic battle with the hydra.”

“We thought you might like it,” I say with another grin. “You don’t have this one, right?”

He shakes his head, eyes still wide as he gazes at his gift. “No. Thanks so much.” He wraps his free arm around me, then does the same to Chloe.