Liam and I look at each other.

“Just one?” I ask. “Um…I guess…but there are two beds, right?”

“Nope. One bed. It’s a very small room, but it’s all we got. You guys want it?”

Liam and I look at each other again.

“Yes,” I quickly say. “We need a room.”

She nods. “Alrighty.”

She hands us our key. Liam and I thank her before going back out in the rain and searching for our room. It’s all the way in the back, forgotten and forlorn. Ugh. What does it look like inside?

Liam glances at me, gives me a brave smile, and slips the keycard into the lock. As soon as the door opens, I expect to see bugs and mice, but I don’t see any of that. It appears very clean and it smells okay.

There’s a bed near the window. A small bed, not queen sized like most hotels have.

Clearly, this is a room for one person.

I don’t realize I’m still standing outside in the rain until Liam wraps his arm around my waist and tugs me inside.

He pushes away some matted hair from my cheeks as he gazes into my eyes. “You okay, Chloe?”

I pull down my hood and take another look around. There’s a tiny TV that looks like it belongs in another decade sitting on a worn-out dresser. A small table is near the bed, there’s a bathroom, a window with the blinds shut, and that’s pretty much it.

“Yeah. I’m okay,” I tell him. “You?”

He pulls off his jacket and swings it over one of the chairs. “Cold and a little wet, but other than that, I’m fine. We should tell our parents we got a room.”

I take off my jacket and quickly call my parents while he calls his. Mom and Dad are relieved we found a place to stay for the night and tell me to stay in touch with them. After I wish them good night, I end the call.

Liam plops down on the bed and looks at me. “What a day, huh?”

I sit down next to him. “Who knew we’d end up here? Do you think our stuff got ruined?” I open our bags and check on the gifts we bought for everyone. They’re a little wet, but seem to be okay. Liam and I spread them on the table to dry off.

I notice Liam’s back is facing me as he pulls his stuff out of his bags. It’s almost like he’s hiding something from me.

“What’s that?” I ask.

He whirls around, eyes wide. “Nothing. Just making sure my costume isn’t ruined.”

“Is it?”


“Mine, either.” I’ve spread my costume on the table and am relieved to learn it’s in good condition.

“So uh…” Liam says as he turns around.

Why is he acting so weird?

“I got you something,” he says with a shy smile.


He pulls out something from behind him. It’s the collection of books that features Aleriana and Torenin’s love story.

“What?” I ask as I accept them from him. “You got me the whole set?”